Hair & Beauty Magazine

30 Day Beauty Challenge: Day 20 Favourite Mascara & Day 21 Favourite Lipstick

By Tokkiandoliver @tokkiandoliver
Hello everyone. Are all my UK gals keeping warm?  I look like an Eskimo tracking around town :)  It is freezing, fingers are still defrosting and I've been home for at least an hour.  
So this post will show you my favorite mascara and favorite lipstick. These products work for me as of right now, but who knows in a week it could change.  I'm a bit flighty like that I'm afraid.
So as of today, my favorite mascara is Benefit They're Real mascara.  You can see the post I did on this here.  I've been using this quite a bit, and I just love how it separates and defines my lashes as I really have non existent lashes au natural :(.  I will be keeping the brush even after the mascara is done, because I love the brush so much.
30 Day Beauty Challenge: Day 20 Favourite Mascara & Day 21 Favourite Lipstick 
They retail for £18.50 currently at Debenhams, and anywhere else that a  Benefit counter can be found.  It definitely was an item that other bloggers have influenced me to buy, and I'm very happy that I did.
Day 21's Challenge is to show you all my favorite lipstick.  I have several favourites that I love, but I choose this lipstick, because it's inexpensive and it's something that I can wear with any outfit.
MAC's BlanketyMy lovely nude (slightly pink) lipstick that I reach for most days.  I have 2 of these, because when I return my empty B2M items, I always pick up another Blankety to add to my stash. 30 Day Beauty Challenge: Day 20 Favourite Mascara & Day 21 Favourite Lipstick 
30 Day Beauty Challenge: Day 20 Favourite Mascara & Day 21 Favourite Lipstick30 Day Beauty Challenge: Day 20 Favourite Mascara & Day 21 Favourite Lipstick
I'd love to know what your favourites are! Please leave a comment and let me know.  I think maybe I should go out of my comfort zone, and see what other products are there haha

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