Home Magazine

3 Tips To Keep Mold Removal On A Budget

By Kravelv

Mold removal from your home costs money, and it can depend on the severity of the mold infestation. It can be as minimal as growth on the doors or windows, or it can be as severe as covering the entire surfaces in your home. Factors like the amount of growth and level of corrosion might need the replacement of materials in your home. Not to mention, you might need to use specialized protective and disposal equipment in removing those molds.

Molds are fungi that can quickly grow in moist areas. It can cause some serious health issues like respiratory illnesses if not removed immediately. You can only do as much in removing the molds in your home. If you find yourself dealing with removing large colonies of molds, you might want to call for professional help.

You're probably wondering now, how much does mold removal cost? If you're on a budget and still considering dealing things with your own, feel free to check out these cheap mold removal tips:

1. Prevent The Mold Problem

As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. It's best to prevent the growth of molds rather than deal with them later. To check your home from molds, you can start with the areas where there's water leakage or high humidity, such as a damp basement. Here are some tips to prevent mold growth throughout your house:

  • Check humidity: You should keep the humidity levels as low as 50% all day. Investing in an air condition or dehumidifier will help with this. Of course, you have to check the humidity levels more than once a day as it's always fluctuating. Also, be mindful during hot, humid months.
  • Ventilate: Aside from that, you have to make sure you have proper ventilation to your house, especially in areas prone to humidity. Install exhaust fans as ventilation in attics or areas that are prone to be humid.
  • Apply preventive chemicals: Some paints are effective for controlling surface molds in damp rooms like bathrooms as it contains mildewcide in them.
  • Fix water leaks: You should also fix any leaks in your home's roof, walls, or plumbing to prevent rainwater from seeping into your home. This will avoid the growth of molds. For more information, Moisture Master Pros can provide you with assistance regarding fixing water leaks.

2. Use Mold Home Remedies

If the mold infestation is detected early, you may be able to handle it yourself instead of hiring professionals to remove the molds from your house and pay a hefty amount. You can use the following from your pantry to help solve your mold problem:

  • Vinegar: This is a non-toxic and safe alternative. According to a study, it is effective in killing a certain type of mold called Penicillium chrysogenum. You can keep a bottle of distilled vinegar in damp areas like the kitchen and bathroom for quick cleaning. You can add a few drops of essential oils to mask the odor of the vinegar.
  • Tea Tree Oil: This is an essential oil that is effective in removing molds due to its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. It's more expensive than vinegar but a little amount could go a long way.
  • Baking Soda: This another ingredient in the pantry is also known to be effective in preventing molds and absorbing their odors. To use this, you have to mix a 1:1 mixture of baking soda and water until it forms into a paste. This is only effective in a small colony of molds and to prevent its future growth.
  • Lemon: Although it has a mild effect, it's one of the natural alternatives believed to be effective in killing molds. You have to juice three to five lemons and apply them over the affected area. Let the juice sit for about five minutes, then wipe it with a damp towel.

3. Use Stronger Mold Removal Products

These products should be your last consideration as an alternative because they're toxic and requires protective gear and equipment to be able to use them. You must use these solutions with caution.

  • Ammonia: Combine a 1:1 ratio of clear ammonia and water. Transfer into a spray bottle and spray to the affected area, leave it for two to three hours before rinsing. Note that this must not be mixed with bleach as it can release toxic fumes that can be extremely dangerous to your health.
  • Bleach: Use a 1:1 ratio of one cup of bleach to one gallon of water. You can spray it on the affected area and don't need rinsing. However, keep in mind that bleach is also known to be ineffective in porous materials because it only kills the molds on the surface. If left untouched, it creates a moist area that only invites the mold to grow back. Aside from that, it emits chemical fumes that might damage other porous materials.
  • Borax: Use a 1:1 ratio, one cup of Borax with one-gallon water. This is recommended to use on hard and flat surfaces like tiles. To use it, dissolve Borax with hot water. Transfer the solution to a spray bottle then spray. Let it sit for a few minutes then scrub with a brush and don't rinse.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide: Use 3% concentration and transfer into a spray bottle. Spray to the affected area for 10 minutes then rinse. This is a safer alternative for bleach but it can cause some materials to fade due to oxidization.

Final Thoughts

Like most homeowners, you must be eager to learn how to remove molds on your own and stay on budget simultaneously. Knowing these tips can help you to be successful in your home mold removal project. Learning what kills molds effectively is a must-know so you can avoid spending money on cleaning products that don't work. But keep in mind that the most effective weapon against molds is prevention. Investing in proper ventilation, dehumidifying systems, and conducting constant checkups of your home could go a long way.

Although, staying on a budget should not be your only consideration because the health of your family is at risk here. DIY removal may take care of the surface-level mold problems but it can miss the underlying source of it. It's best to consider professional help to solve your mold problems.

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