Fashion Magazine

3 Things You Can Do to Extend the Life of Your Home Appliances

By Attireclub @attireclub
3 Things You Can Do to Extend the Life of Your Home Appliances

Metafashion is what we call here on Attire Club everything you do before and after you dress up. This includes the way you act, eat and do things, but also the way you keep your environment through home décor and good housekeeping.

Your home appliances, from your hair dryer to your oven and heating system are a very important part of your housekeeping: having items that work well will give you confidence and will make you feel relaxed about your environment. However, just having great things is not enough. To make the best of them, you also need to follow a few simple rules of maintaining your appliances, regardless of whether it's a microwave, a washer or a dryer.

Most electrical items come with an expiry date, which can be longer or shorter. However, if you put a little effort to keep your appliances in shape, then you can easily extend their life.

Without much ado, let's have a look at three things you can do to get more out of your home appliances:

3 Things You Can Do to Extend the Life of Your Home Appliances

Regular cleaning of the any home appliance from your dishwasher to your oven is highly valuable to keep it working and efficient for a longer period of time. In case of a dishwasher, make sure to rinse the dishes before loading into the dishwasher to remove big chunks of food. Clean the dishwasher filter and spray arms to remove food residue; clogged filters can affect the cleaning performance. Choose a dishwasher cleaning detergent that works best with your dishwasher, and stay away from gels.

For ovens, specialists recommend cleaning them by hand, even if they have a self-cleaning function. This way, they will last longer and you will be able to enjoy them more.

3 Things You Can Do to Extend the Life of Your Home Appliances

This might sound obvious, but it is a key thing to follow.

Manufacturers know about their machine better than you so be sure to use any appliance according to the user manual provided by the manufacturer. This will keep anything running well for longer time.

Moreover, small appliances such as hairdryers or steam irons should be unplugged once you have finished using them. Make sure you also clean them according to instructions. For example, steam irons that use water should be emptied and electrical hair clippers should be cleaned properly to avoid collecting dirt within them. On the same note, make sure you defrost your freezer as often as the instructions you received when you bought it require.

This might sound counterintuitive, but not using your appliances won't extend their lives. It might keep them "in shape" for a while, but left too much unused, they will stop working properly, as their components will not be put to their use. Have you ever had an old item that held for a very long time in your closet or basement, and thought it worked only to find it wouldn't even start?

3 Things You Can Do to Extend the Life of Your Home Appliances

For example, try to use the dishwasher once a day in order to extend its lifespan. Frequent usage will prevent the pores from clogging and keep the system running. In case of any technical issues, let a kitchen aid repair provider handle the machine. The same goes for every other item: use them regularly, but don't overuse them either.

These simple tips will let your home appliances keep up their efficiency for years to come, saving you time and effort. However, regular repair and maintenance is also needed since the machine is prone to getting damaged. Make sure you keep your items in check and have a specialist inspect them every once in a while to avoid sudden breakdowns.

Having all your ducks or, better said, appliances in a row is a very important aspect of life; it will make you sure that you can use the things you have, which will make you more relaxed and confident in yourself. And that shows.

Fraquoh and Franchomme

P.S. We want to hear from you! How do you maintain your home appliances? What appliances do you use? Have you ever kept something unused for a very long time? Share your feedback, questions or thoughts in the comments below! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, you can subscribe to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!

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