Life Coach Magazine

3 Things That Will Drive a Web Designer Insane

By Bren @Virtual_Bren

You may or may not know this but I am a part-time WordPress Web Designer. This is something I’m passionate about, unlike my full-time job as an Administrative Assistant. I’ve been designing WordPress blogs for over 5 years now and I love it. Mind you, I have my moments when I wish I never ever touched the theme of a blog. But mostly, I find it enjoyable.

However, there are those moments when I feel like I’m absolutely insane!

3 Things That Will Drive a Web Designer Insane

Having the skills and talent to create magic onscreen is an amazing feeling. If I’m being creative for myself, I find it more challenging than if I’m actually getting paid by a Client.

Why is that?

Mainly because a Client has an idea of what they are looking for. As a Designer, it is up to us to make suggestions on what would be best, however, we are ultimately at the mercy of what the Client really wants.

For myself, I get ideas and create. After I create, I analyze. After analyzing comes the critique. Sometimes the critique is not good.

For Instance

I recently moved Gals Pushin’ 50 from to self-hosted


Because I got antsy and wanted to play around with web design. New theme, new fonts, new colors, the whole kit and kaboodle.


I’ve been rocking this theme for about a week now and I’m dreading it. So much so that the next time you visit GP’50, it might have another new look.

  1.  Having the ability to create magic does not mean we have to do it on our own blogs monthly or weekly.

  2.  Having a dozen or so paid domains can help your urge to change the design on your live website, however, you won’t have any visitors to say “Ooh or Ahh”.

  3. Downloading free themes and fonts can become so addiction that you’ll never have enough websites to satisfy your craving to create new madness.

Do you see what I mean?

3 Things that will Drive a Web Designer Insane

These are some of the things I go through on a weekly basis, and sometimes, daily.

There Is No Cure

Unfortunately, the A.D.D. in me keeps telling me that “Ooh! Something new and shiny! I must try it!” The reality is that I don’t possibly have enough time to create all the visions that are in my head, nor domains. This is just as much pressure as creating good content and images!

Having the ability to tweak your own blog themes can also be a fabulous thing. It generally will save you from hiring a Web Designer to create your vision. But we are also our own worse critics.

As bloggers, we visit a dozen or so different blogs a day. All which normally have a different theme, niche, color, layout, etc. To land upon a blog and find something you want on your own blog can be disturbing, to say the least.

So as I try to end this post on a good note, I am contemplating my next world-wide web domination of WordPress themes. I have another tab already open in Chrome where I’m plotting my color palette. The niche doesn’t matter to me. I must have colors, plugins, and more!

The madness will never end………………..

Over to You

Do you find yourself wanting to change-up your blog more frequently than you’d like?


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