Family Magazine

3 Considerations Parents Need to Determine Before Buying a Double Stroller

By Upliftingfam @upliftingfam

Graco DuoGlider Clasic Double Stroller for TwinsI remember when my parents discovered they were expecting their “3rd baby”, when they discovered that my mom was in fact pregnant with twins. Once the shock wore off they had to immediately find double the baby gear, to prepare for their arrival. If you are expecting twins, a double stroller will be a lifesaver so that you can get out of the house and continue to enjoy family outings.

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Finding the Perfect Double Stroller Doesn’t Have to Be Overwhelming

Parenthood is a very exciting time, but it can sometimes be a daunting prospect. Considering the safety and well being of a tiny person can become all-consuming. From doctor’s appointments to shopping for strollers, the process of preparing for a baby is exhilarating and sometimes overwhelming. Perhaps the only thing more challenging than preparing for one baby is preparing for two. Twins are a whole new world for parents, where everything from bottles to diapers (nappies) needs to be purchased in multiples.

One of the most important items any parent of multiples will buy is a double stroller (twin pushchair). For parents who are new to parenting or just new to the prospect of twins, here are a few important things to consider for before purchasing the perfect double stroller or pushchair for twins.

Finding the Right Pram or Double Stroller for Your Family’s Needs

Many experts believe than in the very early weeks of life for twins there are significant benefits to keeping them physically close together. For this early phase, prams (it is a type of stroller that allows your baby to lay flat while you are pushing them around) are preferable as they allow room for both babies to be in close proximity to one another which can help regulate things like body temperature and sleep cycles. If you’re opting to go straight for a double stroller, be sure to buy one which fully reclines. Typically, there is enough room for both of them to lay flat in a double stroller. Mos young babies prefer to lie flat (or in their car seat, if your stroller has this option) while older babies (6 months and up) prefer to sit up and look around.

Things to Consideration Before Buying a Double Stroller

It pays to shop around for the right double stroller to suit individual needs and specifications. It’s important to consider size, weight, storage and maneuverability. You will need to have the stroller with you almost every time you venture out of the house over the next few years. You should consider the width of a double stroller (twin pushchair) is also very important. It’s a good idea to measure the doorways at home before heading to the store so you know exactly what you can work with and which models are going to be out of the question. Plus wider strollers make it difficult to go shopping at department stores.

Prioritize The Features and Pick the Best Double Stroller That Meets Your Must Have List

There are as many stroller options are there are different parenting styles, so it’s important to buy something that’s going to suit your lifestyle. In fact, I remember when my youngest daughter was born, there weren’t very many choices so I was a bit overwhelmed when I was shopping for my youngest son.

For example if you frequently go for walks in the country, it’s a good idea to get a pushchair that can handle the varied terrain of rural landscapes; moving easily between grass, pavement, mud and puddles. They even make double jogging strollers, so that you can continue your exercise regime after you deliver and adjust to being a mom of multiples.

For urban parents, pushchairs should be able to fit into your trunk, cargo area, on the bus, and in the truck on a taxi with minimal hassle and awkward maneuvering. In fact, when my younger twin sisters were born, their double stroller took up almost all of the cargo space in the back of my mom’s suburban. Hopefully, they have come out with more compact and light weight options.

Take Your Time Deciding Which Stroller Best Meets Your Expectations

Don’t be afraid to take your time when deciding which double stroller or twin pushchair is going to be right for you and your new babies. In fact, take one for a test drive while you are at the store and shop around so that you can test several different types/brands of strollers. Don’t forget, you can ask professionals (who are familiar with multiples) or even find parents who have twins for advice so that you consider all the factors before making a final decision. The process of preparing for a baby (or two) is an incredibly special time and one that should be full of joy and happiness, so it’s important to take things slowly and make decisions you feel truly comfortable with, especially when it comes to choosing the right pram for the two new additions to your family.

What type of double stroller did you choose for your twins or multiples?

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