Arts & Crafts Magazine

25 Facts About Me

By Katieemay @katieemay1
I'm a relatively new blogger and I thought what better way to let you all better to know me by joining in with the 25 facts about me tag. Here goes...
1. I'm the worst at texting back; I don't mean to be but I know it annoys people
2. I had braces for five years! and I kinda miss them now
3. I can be quite shy when you first meet me, but trust me when I say that I'm a complete weirdo once you get to know me

25 facts about me

Me being the complete weirdo on a boat...

4. I have to tap the top of a fizzy drink can three times before I open it
5. I love Tea! I drink it all the time
6.For my first Christmas, my brother bought me a toy 101 Datamation (Patch) and to this day I still sleep with him
25 facts about me
25 facts about me

7. I share my birthday with Barack Obama, The Queen Mother, Lee Mack and Cole and Dylan Sprouse
8. I used to have an imaginary friend called Gina who I played restaurant, shop and bank with! 
9. I get homesick really easily 
10. I love the sun, it makes me really happy
11. Puerto Pollença, Mallorca, is like my second home. I go every year and even learnt to walk there!

25 facts about me

With my daddy last year in Puerto Pollenca 

12. I've been a bridesmaid twice, once for my cousin and once for my brother
13. As soon as I have headphones in, my life turns into a music video/musical
14. I love acting, though not many people know
15. I don't like wearing hats
16. I used to have an Afro type thing going on with my hair
17. I don't like Tuna
18. The Spice Girls got their first number 1 on the day I was born
19. I'm scared of ducks
20. I have a scar on my knee which I got when I was about 8 and, after my mom told me not to, I ran down the stairs and fell onto the plug in radiator...there was a lot of blood and I cried a lot

25 facts about me

Two of my best friends and me at prom...completely unrelated to any of these facts but oh well!

21. I can easily become addicted to T.V and Film characters
22. The first ever concert I went to was Jools Holland 
23. I once saw Claudia Schiffer (the model) in a cafe when I was on holiday
24. If I was a boy, I would be called Jack Daniel because my parents couldn't think of any other boys names and they were sitting in a pub at the time
25. I never cry in front of people however my Auntie Barbara can literally look at me and I will burst into tears...I have no explanation for this
I hope you all enjoyed this slightly different post. If you did, don't forget to leave a little comment can do that if you didn't too :)
Katie xxx
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