Family Magazine

14 Year Old Girl Needs Your Help To Reach Her Dream

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

Untitled0 14 Year Old Girl Needs Your Help To Reach Her Dream

How could I not help out a very beautiful and talented young lady who is the daughter of a friend of mine? This young girl has had all sorts of turns and twists thrown at her yet she has found her passion for singing has helped her through some of the darkest times of her life.

“I am a 14 year old girl who’s not had a brilliant life but I have a very supportive mum who has stood by me always.

I was abused at a very young age and my mum got the police involved and moved me 150 miles from all that I knew.

My life settled down and I found that I loved to sing. I entered several competitions and won many of them. This has given me some confidence and my aim is to be a brilliant singer.

I have not been in the best of health as I had a T.I.A (stroke) last year and I have recovered well but this has never stopped me singing.

I am in several finals at the moment and if you would like to listen to me singing that would be great.”

It would be great if you could like the page or even share it for me

Of course you could vote for me… Supermum did ; Vote For Me In The Finals

 14 Year Old Girl Needs Your Help To Reach Her Dream

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