Books Magazine

13 Things Homebodies Say And What They Actually Mean

By Akklemm @AnakaliaKlemm

13 Things Homebodies Say And What They Actually MeanAnakalian Whims:

Hahahaha! Indeed!

13 Things Homebodies Say And What They Actually MeanOriginally posted on Thought Catalog:

New Girl: Season 2

New Girl: Season 2

1. (After being asked, “What are your plans today?”) “Nothing.”

Contrary to popular belief, “nothing” can actually mean something. Technically the homebody could’ve said “I do have plans” because doing absolutely nothing was in fact their itinerary. Lounging around lazily? Yeah, I penned that in my schedule weeks ago, and I’m currently knee deep in nothing, aka unavailable.

2. “…                                  …”

^^That’s complete silence, which is usually the response you get when you text or call a homebody with some kind of invitation that they don’t want to officially decline.

3. “Hey what’s up? Sorry, I was sleeping when you text/called me!”

This is the lie that follows the complete silence mentioned in the previous point. You’ll get this several hours after your initial attempt at contact, when the homebody…

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