
13 Simple Tricks to Make Your Small Garden Look Bigger

Posted on the 24 February 2020 by Chris Freeman @chrisfree208
13 Simple Tricks to Make Your Small Garden Look Bigger

Many homeowners have less space for their gardens, and they always want to make them look attractive. As the cost of residential land is on its high, many people prefer small gardens than not having them at all.

However, there are many ideas which can make you a small garden look as much attractive as well-maintained backyards. Here we'll share 13 easy tricks to make your small garden look bigger and more beautiful.

1. Use big planters

When the space is low, you cannot have more plants and shrubs in that space. Using planters is a great idea to have more plants in less space.

13 Simple Tricks to Make Your Small Garden Look Bigger
Image from Needpix by vonpics

You can plant multiple plants in large planters. Therefore, it makes perfect sense to use big planters instead of small pots. They also seem tidy and stylish when you use the same material of planters in your garden.

2. Plant vertically

The horizontal space is limited in small gardens due to which it is not possible to have more plants. Going vertical is the way to use more plants. You can use a vertical rack where you can place small and medium-sized planters. Plants that stay small are best to use in a vertical frame as they don't interfere with each other.

13 Simple Tricks to Make Your Small Garden Look Bigger
Image from Needpix by SirGreen

3. Create some shelves

Shelves are the best to place some plant containers without taking space in your garden. You DIY or take professional help to install some shelves in your garden where you can place planters. It is best to mount the shelves into a wall as the garden fence may not be able to handle their weight.

13 Simple Tricks to Make Your Small Garden Look Bigger
Photo by George Shervashidze from Pexels

4. Have a garden wall

A garden wall is another great idea to create a vertical garden. It is effortless to create a garden wall as all you need is to construct a wall and install some hooks to hang planters. You can also use the wall of your house adjoining the garden. The wall can also serve the purpose of a focal point if you place some chairs to create a seating area.

13 Simple Tricks to Make Your Small Garden Look Bigger
Photo by Cherry Laithang on Unsplash

5. Paint backdrop

A high quality painted backdrop, can draw eyes up and create the illusion of extra height and space. A simple treatment with two-tone block colors will jazz up the expanse of fencing the garden. A dark color backdrop can help make a statement effect, and it also beautifully compliments green leaves.

6. Use blue plants at edges

Planting blue colored plants at the edge of the garden can recede into the distance and make the garden look more prominent. The blue agapanthus or lavenders are best to plant on the sides of a garden. Using a Plumbago hedge is also a great option. Try not to use hot colors of plants like red and orange near the fence, as they can make the edges appear nearer.

7. Fix planters under a window

If you have a window facing the garden, it can create an excellent space for small plants. You can place some planters with small plants on the window or build a shelf under it. However, one should not use large plants near the window as they can block the view.

13 Simple Tricks to Make Your Small Garden Look Bigger
Image source Reader's Digest by Joseph C. Justice Jr.

8. Paint the surroundings in white

Because of its brightening and lightening properties, white paint is often used to make the most of a small space, and gardens can also benefit from this trick. Featuring white painted brickwork and white garden furniture, this is a perfectly summery, serious-style scheme. You can use this style to paint the areas surrounding your garden in white to make it look open and bright.

9. Grow tall plants

Sometimes you have to think big, and make the little garden ideas work. So many small home gardens have tiny plants. Adding taller plants (flowers mostly) here and there would make it look exceptional.

13 Simple Tricks to Make Your Small Garden Look Bigger
Image from Pinterest by David Schwartz

You have options like wild irises, verbascums, foxgloves, strelitzias, and the Verbena bonariensis (commonly available in garden centers). Then send climbers like honeysuckles, clematis, and jasmine through arches and walls or fences.

10. Divide into zones

If possible, you can divide your garden into different zones. For example, you can create a seating space near the house, with an arch in a border across its breadth. A winding path through the plants can slow down the journey for anyone tricking them into feeling more space in your garden.

11. Do not clutter with plants

Clutter creates the illusion of less space. Even if you clutter a large garden with plants, there will be less space to roam around; it evokes a feeling of a small garden. Therefore, you should not clutter your small garden with plenty of plants.

12. Trail plants on the fence

You can make use of the fence to add some color to your garden. Climber plants and trellises can do a lot to spruce up small yards as they lift the shrubs and flowers upward. A beautiful fence with eye-catching flowers can attract the attention of the visitors. It will take their focus off from the tiny space. After all, when people see the red roses or hot pink trellis, who cares about the dimensions of a garden.

13. Stick to a color theme

It is best to use a solo color theme or two colors in your garden. For example, if you plan to create edges or pathways in your garden, you should keep them in a single color. Also, it is best to use a few colors of flowering plants. Using multiple colors for different objects and plants in your garden can create clutter. Sticking to fewer colors of flowers and structures can create a sense of simplicity and make your garden look incredible.

Wrapping up

These are some tips to make your small garden look bigger and attractive. In addition to these ideas, you can also remove unnecessary things to create more space in your garden. For instance, if you have an unnecessary structure or dead tree, you can remove it to create some space. However, if you want to remove a tree, you must hire professional services like tree removal Ryde for the job.

Following the ideas in this post can help homeowners to turn their small garden into an awesome space to spend some quality time.

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