Life Coach Magazine

12 Hole Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time

By Debi Lantzer @debiL1611

12 Hole Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time

I was never a big fan of video games – to be honest, it is probably because I’m so horrible at them.  Even back in the days of arcade games like Pac Man and Super Mario Brothers in the ’80’s when my son was young, I just couldn’t figure it all out. Now that my grandson is 4, even he can beat me in Angry Birds! Suffice it to say, I had never heard of the Legend of Zelda game, and I certainly never saw a 12 Hole Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time and only thought it was some sort of musical instrument.


Thinking that it was just a musical instrument and thinking the Ocarina looked really cool, I sent a message to the Worship Pastor at my church and asked him if he had any interest in an Ocarina and along with a photo of the instrument. I didn’t figure he would know what it was either, but I did know he likes all things musical! I barely hit “send” on that text and he immediately responded with a “YES!!” – he was definitely interested!!

Later I did an internet search of the Ocarina and that’s when I realized what the big excitement was about this product so I was looking forward to receiving it. There is obviously a huge big following for the Legend of Zelda! In fact, the game started as far back as 1986 when it was released in Japan on the Famicon Disk System. The game was released in the United States in 1987 and from there, the game just exploded! As late as just this year, Nintendo released a second 3DS remake, The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D, and has plans to release The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes, a cooperative multiplayer game scheduled to be released for the 3DS in the third quarter of 2015.


Once the Ocarina arrived, I saw how well made this product was, and I was really impressed with the craftsmanship. The Ocarina is handscrafted and tuned, very high quality, kiln-fired ceramic and has 12 holes. It’s pitch is A4-F6, including sharps and flats. It fits well in your hand and feels very comfortable.

The Ocarina is guaranteed to be an easy to learn piece which can be mastered in a short period of time, with the ability to spend years improving your technique, discovering new scales and harmonies. The Ocarina is the perfect instrument to practice techniques and articulations, rhythms, speed development, precision, note transitions and different musical styles.

Our Worship Pastor was kind enough to put together a quick video for me to show all of you how easy it is to learn this musical instrument!

If you’d like to get one of these for yourself, head over to Amazon =====> HERE!

 12 Hole Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time

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