Arts & Crafts Magazine

10th Birthday Challenge Lili of the Valley!!!!

By Dena13
Oh my I am so late posting this card on my blog!  As you all know by now, Lili of the Valley will be celebrating their 10th anniversary on May 10th at the shop, so there is a challenge on the Ideas to Inspire blog for 10th Birthday Cards. Woo hoo! Congrats!!!
10th Birthday Challenge Lili of the Valley!!!!
My card features the cute "Emma Presents".  I used some fun, bright colors for such a wonderful celebration!  She was colored with Inktense Pencils onto watercolor paper!
I love, love the Spellbinders die Gold Labels Four and the banner one called Ribbon Banners.  The present is a Tim Holtz.
It is about 3 weeks now before hubby and I catch that long plane ride to Paris and the UK!!! I can't wait to meet up with several friends in the blogging world at the Lili of the Valley party!!!!!!! There will be lots of picture taking and giggling I'm sure!! Hey, no laughing at my Texas accent though ok haha!  I'll try my best to fit in with that elegant sounding British accent! Ok, maybe not, I may sound even worse haha!  Looking forward to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You guys have a wonderful day ok! Thanks for stopping by!  Be sure to join in the challenge because there are always amazing prizes at LOTV!
Big hugs, Dena
 I can't wait to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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