Lifestyle Magazine

100 Bloglovin' Followers!

By Jadecharlotte @jadeodonnell_
100 Bloglovin' followers!picture found on tumblr & edited by me.
Hi Pixies! Today has been a great day for a number of reasons, I got my first pair of Pointe shoes (I'm planning to do a post all about my Ballet experience in an upcoming post) and I also reached another huge blog milestone, I hit 100 Bloglovin' followers! Now that may seem like an insignificant number to some people but to me I'm over the moon. I can't quite get over that one hundred people like what I  write and that they care enough to follow my little blog.
I never thought that I'd ever reach fifty followers to be truthful, so realising that my blog reaches so many people boggles my mind! I just want to say a huge, huge thank you to anyone and everyone (apart from that person! Angry face!) who's ever read my blog or clicked on that little 'follow' button. You are the people who inspire me to keep clicking away at my keyboard whenever I loose my blogging mojo. It's amazing to be able to do something that I love and to find people who have similar interests and in the long run, to make lovely new friends. Ok, I'm going to stop rambling on now or this post will be as long as the Great Wall of China. But one last thing before I go, I'm planning of doing a little Giveaway to celebrate so be sure to keep a eye out for that (and anyone who has tips and suggestions please comment below as I've never done one before and could use a few pointers!)
100 Bloglovin' followers!

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