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10 Ways You Can Improve Your Garden

By Kravelv

Is your garden looking a little worse for wear? Do you have bushes that are getting out of control and a pathway that isn’t what it once was? Do not worry, we can help. With a bit of time and effort, some composite decking materials, your garden can look as good as new.

10 Ways you can Improve your Garden

1. The Wall or Fence

When working to improve your garden one of the first things you should deal with is your garden wall or fence. Are you pleased with it or does it look like it needs repairing? If your wall or fence is in a good state of repair but you’re not fond of it use some trellis or hanging plants to brighten the area up.

2. Your Flowers

When it comes to dealing with the flowers in your garden you should make sure that all of your borders are looked after. Get rid of any flowers that you’re not keen on and the ones that have died. Don’t forget to do a spot of weeding while also tidying up the soil. You might want to consider adding some mulch as it looks good while it ensures you have fewer weeds.

3. The Pots

If you have a lot of pots in your garden you may want to clean them. Pots can become dirty very easily, so a quick clean will help to brighten them up. Don’t forget to weed those pots and take care of the plants in them.

4. The Trees and Shrubs

When it comes to taking care of your trees and shrubs a bit of pruning can go a long way. Expose underlying structures and lift the canopies if you can. Is there an area of your garden that you love and want to highlight? Ensure you use trees and shrubs that look good throughout the year.

5. The Wildlife

One of the joys of having a garden is the wildlife that’s attracted to it. Butterflies, birds, hedgehogs, bees and other wildlife could be encouraged if you have plants and flowers that attract them. Add little bug homes, don’t prune bushes or trees that are being nested in, and allow nature to enjoy your garden.

6. Eating What You’ve Grown

There’s nothing better than eating food that you’ve grown in your garden. Plant berries, think about potatoes, grow some rhubarb. Make raised beds that are easy to work with.

7. The Surfaces

Consider using some composite decking in your garden as it gives you somewhere to sit out. Scatter pot plants around the decking and make it another area of your garden that you love.

8. Don’t Forget Water!

Place a water feature in your garden, birds may want to drink from it while you enjoy its beauty and the sounds of trickling water. There are many different water features out there from large to small, from expensive to cheap, and they can all add something special to your garden.

9. Your Views

Ensure you have a good view of your garden, whether it be from your decking or from your windows. If you don’t like an area of your garden use some trellis to cover it up and grow beans or sweet peas up it.

10. Spending Time

One of the best ways to improve your garden is to spend some time in it. The more time you spend in your garden the more improvement ideas you will have. Spend a few hours in the evening or the whole afternoon in your garden. Enjoy your garden as the sun comes up or when it goes down. Spend some time so your garden becomes an area you love.

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