Travel Magazine

10 Endangered Destinations Places to Visit Now Or Never

By Poundtravel
10 Endangered destinations places to visit now or never Taj Mahal world heritage site in Agra, India.

Taj Mahal world heritage site in Agra, India. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Venice, the Dead Sea, Las Vegas, glaciers in Patagonia or Madagascar could have counted the days. The world is full of incredible places, but climate change, nature and man threatens the existence of some of these spectacular destinations, according site. To know what these are travel site Trivago presented ten places that should be placed on the list of priorities, because, given the state of the planet, we could be one of the last generations who can enjoy them writes Agerpres.

Dead Sea (Israel, the West Bank and Jordan)

Dead Sea waterline nearly 430 meters below sea level drops by one meter per year. At this rate sharply, could dry. Decreased flow of the Jordan River which feeds endangered ecosystem unique in the world. He felt weightless floating on its extremely salty waters is an experience that will not be experienced if you wait too long.

Venice (Italy)

Venice is one of Europe’s most powerful tourist magnet, but it is unknown for how long it will be. The romantic Italian city is slowly sinking, a thousand years now, due to the evolution of the lagoon where it is located. As the water level rises faster than ever, it is estimated that Venice is sinking an average of two millimeters per year, causing frequent floods. Today one can walk on city bridges, one can admire its impressive architecture and can make an unforgettable gondola ride, but if the measures taken by the local government to save the city from sinking are not sufficient, Venice Water will soon find themselves neck.


Climate change threatens to wipe off the map this paradise. The exotic islands of Maldives consists of 1,200 coral islands which is only one meter above sea level. Since this country with the lowest elevation in the world, rising water levels robs Indian Ocean millimeter by millimeter of territory.According to the UN, the archipelago will be uninhabitable in 2100 because the islands will disappear before the end of the century. Residents of 16 of them were resettled in Sri Lanka, the Maldives after the government bought some territory in order to provide people a place where they would be flooded house.

Taj Mahal, Agra (India)

Taj Mahal, which was built in the eighteenth century as a mausoleum for his favorite wife of Emperor Shah Jahan, is considered one of the seven new wonders of the world. Tourist tide, air pollution and renovations restrain coarse white marble façade of this monument in Agra, the UNESCO World Heritage list. For its preservation, restrictions have been imposed industrial activities in the area.

Kilimanjaro (Tanzania)

Kilimanjaro massif includes the highest mountain in Africa, the 5,895 meters. Its beautiful snow-capped volcanic peaks can be seen from far away, both in Kenya and in Tanzania. This charismatic image could but disappear in the coming decades. The snow has melted already 85%, and scientists warn that because of the rapid and catastrophic climate change on the icy peaks of Kilimanjaro will melt completely in the next 15 years.

Barrier Reef Belize (Belize)

Barrier Reef Belize, located in the Caribbean Sea, is one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world. In 1996 it was inscribed on the UNESCO list of Heritage of Humanity. Hurricanes, massive fishing, but pollution and global warming’s devastating effects. Might that in about 20 years, this colorful underwater paradise that has already lost 50% of coral due to Hurricane Mitch in 1998, to become history.

Naples (Italy)

The largest city in southern Italy where pizza was born could disappear from the map. Napoli is only 9 kilometers away from Vesuvius, one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world, which buried the Roman cities of Pompeii already in ashes and Herculaneum in the year 79. The volcano remained active and to avoid a catastrophe that could end the lives of the four million people who live there, it is closely monitored. In Naples, one of the most representative Italian cities, one can see theater Teatro di San Carlo opera opened in 1737 and the impressive port.

Glaciers in Patagonia (Argentina and Chile)

Region of southern Chile and Argentina is known for its many glaciers that stretch between the Andes and Antarctica. Global warming melts 20 million tonnes of ice per year, a phenomenon that has led to an increase in ocean waters up to 50% by the end of 1900 onwards. At this rate, they will soon disappear frozen areas and low altitude territories. Impressive glaciers in South America deserves to be visited in order to know the overwhelming silence of one of the most sparsely populated areas of the world, before the Glacier Perito Moreno symbols and disappear.


The fourth largest island in the world is at the southeastern coast of Africa, and due to its immense natural wealth, it is called Treasure Island. Madagascar holds 5% of animal and plant species on the planet, of which almost 80% are only there. Flora and fauna are threatened, however, by various factors. Illegal logging and poaching threaten many of the island’s unique species, but conditions are affected by pollution increasingly higher due to the increased number of motor vehicles. It is estimated that slightly more than 30 years, its forests could disappear. In this race against time, is worth visiting this unique place in the world.

Las Vegas (USA)

Sin City may disappear in a few years. Las Vegas in southern Nevada in the arid Mojave desert, will ‘dry’ where water reserves will run out. The city faces several years with one of the biggest crises of water, but the situation has worsened in recent months because of the great droughts in the region.In addition, water is notoriously wasteful of his greatest hotels. Lake Mead, which is the only water reservoir of Las Vegas, can not feed these constants excesses, according to the source.

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