Creativity Magazine

#022 – Ruminations on Miscellany

By Legosneggos @LegosnEggos

To show how an obsessive-compulsive/attention deficit disordered mind works, here is a list of today’s ruminations, pretty much sequentially listed, but only about one-thousandth of the total.  It is amazing how many thoughts the brain can process in a single day, isn’t it?

  • I absolutely love People and Us Weekly magazines, but only for the fashions.  I hate the notion of celebrity and loathe the superficial stories, but I could look at the lovely clothes, shoes, jewelry, and accessories for hours on end.
  • There are times when warm water and soapy suds on the hands while washing dishes is all the aromatherapy and massage I need.
  • That said, wet/damp sleeves are a major pet peeve of mine.
  • There are days that the fortune cookie paper fortunes are what keep me afloat in hope. The cookie’s good, too.
  • Someone adds water to our shampoo; I just know it.  How to coax a confession out of one of my kids is beyond me.
  • Why would one add water to shampoo if he/she is not the one who must buy it?
  • I do not have enough money in my bank account at any time to justify the number of receipts floating around in my purse.
  • I will never understand why children bite/wipe their mouths inside the collars of their t-shirts.
  • And why have the schools taught them this sneezing/coughing in the elbow pit now instead of into a tissue?  It is probably helpful to lower transmission of germs at school, but it is havoc on my laundry and feeling good about a hug.  My child must now change his shirt as soon as he comes home from school.
  • Speaking of which, why do people who work in health professions wear scrubs in public?  Isn’t that ironic?
  • If all my makeup is kept in a makeup bag, then how does blush powder always find its way down to the bottom of my purse?
  • I hate celebrity-endorsed perfume.  I cannot tell you why.  I am sure it smells fine, but I would feel silly wearing it.  That’s just me, though.
  • By the way, purses and totes without compartments should be outlawed.  I mean, how is one supposed to find the cell phone in a reasonable amount of time?
  • I do not know how people drink black coffee and enjoy it. Mine consists of half milk.  I am overweight, and this is probably the biggest reason why.
  • It is strange how some people’s eyes with brows that were low to begin with simply do not seem to age.  There is a limit to the sag, I guess.  However, people with raised brows when they were young indeed do appear to age more. I would rather start off looking very tired and stay that way than looking very fresh and then appear much older in my later years.  Just saying…
  • Ever notice that SoftSoap bars clog the drain?  This does not make sense.
  • The staples in a household seem to be on a schedule of depleting interchangeably; hence, detergent is empty, but softener is full; finally plenty of frozen meat, but potatoes and rice are gone; just bought big bag of oat cereal, but full gallon of milk disappeared yesterday.  It is a constant run to the grocery store no matter how much one stocks up.
  • Carpet is the worst thing ever invented.  It is a fixed wall-to-wall rug that you can never take outside and fully beat or shake out, with a base pad that soaks up all things nasty. The best one can do is run a machine over it that does the equivalent of sharply breathing in, and hope for no allergies despite inevitable dander and odor.
  • I am a conscientious objector to the notion of planned obsolescence.  I will not replace a computer before it kaputs on me, nor will I buy a new phone until this one breaks.  Our culture is spoiled, bored, and unwise when it comes to consumerism.  Just because they market it does not mean we must have it.
  • Eye contact with a beloved dog throughout the day on a regular basis means more than most verbal conversations with most people on any given day.
  • If you have a child who gets new underwear and/or new socks and goes on and on about loving them, you have not overly spoiled your child.
  • A happy home is one from which everyone runs out to help a parent bring in groceries, all the time checking the bags, and running back inside with them like bandits.  Score to your frugality if your child dances with his favorite bag of cereal on his head.
  • Teenage boys do notice when you forget the softener.  I think that’s sweet.
  • I really need to take those two chains in to be repaired.  Why do I procrastinate on this one errand?
  • A good shower curtain is a joy forever — you know, the kind that goes full around to the other side of the adjacent wall and has magnets and suction cups to keep the water spray from escaping.
  • DampRid is the best product ever invented if you live in the humid South…like, ever.
  • I need to buy Weed-n-Feed and grass seed tomorrow, no fail.  I am an embarrassment to my neighborhood.
  • I think most everyone in our generation dreams of having a family business to pass down to our kids, rather than working for an ungrateful corporation that will most probably lay us off before our kids are out of college, despite our many years served there.  If it weren’t for the benefits, we would do as well on our own.
  • The discovery of one’s first age spot on the hand is a sobering one.  These are what I remember of my grandmother.  I would opt for dark freckles all over my face than for this one, single age spot.
  • It is nice to have a lovely grown daughter because there are often fresh flowers in the house from all the beaus.
  • Flea control products are grossly overpriced.  Ask a scratching dog.
  • It is probably best to check your 10 year-old’s toenails from time to time — just take off the sock and check.  He can grow them to phenomenal lengths before he would care or you would notice in winter sock season.  I learned this today.
  • A Jack Russell terrier is the epitome of the dog stereotype — right down to burying bones, chasing and biting kids’ bottoms, and jumping up with muddy paws onto a clean bed.  Still, they are somehow a joy around the house.
  • Finding a magical author who articulates in your same soul language is like finding buried treasure.
  • I wish free public radio stations could play the same content as subscription-based Sirius radio.  Advertising be damned.
  • I really should not have enjoyed this cup of coffee while reading before bed.


I will stop for the day, since it is now the next day.

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