Workout Wednesday: X2 Yoga

By Nuwave

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Workout Wednesday: X2 Yoga!

If You Missed Yeserday's Post About Viewer Tuesday Click Here!

Week 1 Journey
Workout Wednesday! 

Hey guys! Today is Workout Wednesday, which was X2 Yoga from P90X2. The workout went great & I feel a lot more flexible & balanced after compelting it. Doing Yoga always takes determination because its usually a long workout. The new yoga from P90X2 is only an hour long so it goes by faster & I personally like it more because its a little bit more fast paced.

I also got my supplements from that I ordered,  and some free tester samples from Ultimate Nutrition to review! I’m going to be starting a challenge group soon looking for 5 determined individuals wanting to increase their income & change their fitness life for the better through Beachbody. So stay tuned for that!

You’ll be needing P90X, Insanity or another type of beachbody program to keep you in check & make sure your getting those workouts in! Click the link below for which your interested!

  • P90X2(Sequel to P90X Xtreme Training)
  • P90X (Xtreme Home Workout Program!)
  • Insanity( 60 Day Intense Cardio & Conditioning)