Why I Actually Like Working Out?

By Nuwave

A few days ago I made a YouTube video talking about why I actually enjoy working out and the benefits I feel from doing such activities. The reason behind me wanting to make that video was because I saw another YouTuber actually upload a video talking about why they "stopped" working out. Their reasoning went into only liking to workout for girls and attracting women. I thought " hmmm that's an interesting outlook". Me personally I feel totally opposite of that. I like working out because it makes me feel good, happy and satisfied with my existence in that moment in time.

Why I actually like working out

  • Feeling of improved self value
  • Happy feeling
  • Satisfaction in completing something
  • The pump effect and seeing veins gives me a great feeling of confidence
  • Positive mood and outlook
  • More calm and focused in intense situations
  • Healthier in life

These are just a few feelings that come to mind when I just finish a workout. Now I usually workout pretty hard , my weightlifting days are usually 3-4x a week for 1hr - 1hr 15 minutes. I'm currently doing Ivysaur's 4-4-8 program with added ab/stretch work during the off days.

Notice how I don't talk about ego or attracting girls is a reason why I like to workout. That is a side effect sure and girls liking that you are in shape is just a nice bonus. However, if you have an ego to begin with and are a jerk then working out will just make things worse usually. If you go into exercise with the wrong mindset you will do it for the wrong reasons. I never intend to workout for anyone else OR to impress anyone else but myself. The only person I can really control is myself and my actions. Working out keeps me grounded and focused .

When I don't workout or I start to miss workouts I become more sad, unhappy outlook on life and the list goes on..

I just wanted to share a few things about why I actually enjoy working out 🙂 .

About Author

Lloyd L.

Thank you for visiting my website. My name is Lloyd and I live in Hawaii. I started working out in 2010. Read more on how I overcame adversity and transformed my life forever!