The Rich Get Richer and the Peasants Suffer. Sayonara, A’s.

By Gary
I didn't really know what to say or how to address the A's moving to Las Vegas, so I just decided to cut and paste an answer sent to Dan P. over at Chipilatta, a Houston Astros-based blog. (check it out it's a really great blog.) Honestly, I'm just sick of the whole thing and wish the A's would go away and give my mind and spirit a much-needed breather. Hasta la vista, and good luck. John Fisher is your problem now, Nevada.

" Gary - I was wondering what you thought of this "reverse boycott" the A's fans held the other day in Oakland. They said they were chanting "Sell the team" so loud the pitcher could not hear his catcher on the pitch caller. "-Dan P.

Hey Dan, I saw the boycott as the last hurrah and a moment of desperation from a fan base that loves a team and has loved that team for over 50 years-owned by a grifter who didn't earn one red cent of his fortune, and who couldn't give a rat's ass about baseball, the history of baseball, or the A's. Nevada receives a franchise that will continue to be a conduit for the intuition of an absolute nitwit trust-fund baby with limited social skills and even more limited business acumen.

That being said, I can't see a 30.000 seat stadium on 9 acres, (on The Strip, where locals hate to tread, has limited parking, and horrendous traffic) with a supposed retractable roof being successful. When the "honeymoon" in Vegas is over, I believe the attendance will be similar to the Marlins or the Pirates. In the end, Las Vegas is a Dodgers-loving town and doesn't even really fancy the A's anyway. (In a public poll a whopping 80 percent of the population said they didn't want the team in Vegas which makes them slightly less popular than having a pitbull gnaw on your testicles) I can't wait to see it fail. And it will....but presumably not before John Fisher sells the team at peak value in a shady, backroom "pump and dump" scheme.

And you know who really suffers? The children of Nevada. The educational system in Nevada-the second-ranked least educated state in the U.S.-claimed they didn't have money to give teachers a raise, but then immediately bent over backward to give 380 million to a BILLIONAIRE. Mind you, Nevada was the only state in the country to receive a failing grade in every area of school funding according to a national report. The taxpayers essentially bend over to get reamed and the children are told that they and their futures don't matter. God Bless America, huh? Bravo, Nevada.