The Obalon Balloon Pill - INSANE!

By Greggers254 @LeeGregory254
I heard about this last week, and I still cannot believe it! A new weight loss drug that puts a balloon in your stomach.....this is just ridiculous...
It works by you swallowing the pill, attached to a thin tube. The doctors then use the tube to inflate the balloon, remove the tube and leave the balloon in your stomach, which can stay there for up to 3 months. You can take up to three pills at once, and after the three months, the doctors remove the pill. I literally can't believe what I am typing here....
It really doesn't sound nice does it? So, what are the problems....
It may well suppress your appetite, but it doesn't change what foods you eat. So even if you eat less, you could still be eating junk food that does nothing but add fat. Also, once the pill is removed, then what? I reckon people would go back to their old ways, as they have learned NOTHING during the time using the drug. There is no way this pill can guarantee long term weight loss, because, well.....its just a con! As I always say, why bother doing something if you can't do it forever? Things like this drug have a start date, but they also have an end date, and that's when things go bad. I don't mean to be graphic here, but I don't know if its just me, but walking around with a balloon in your stomach would be like walking around with a bubble of 'gas'..... can't be nice!
So, what do I think of this? I think it is utter garbage, just another 'way' of getting people to avoid a healthy diet and getting regular exercise. Whoever came up with this idea is a complete and utter moron and should never be allowed to work in the health industry again. When will people learn... healthy diet and exercise shifts fat, so stop bringing out con diets and stupid drugs!
Please, please, please do not use this drug - get yourself a healthy diet and exercise regularly and you will see results!