Surf's Up: How To Get Your Pamela Anderson Beach-Ready Body at NEW CitySurf Fitness {video}

By Arredmon @mamachallenge
Try-it Tuesdays:
Cowabunga, what a workout!

I recently went on a total adventure with CitySurf Fitness in Dallas. Always ready to try out a new fitness disclipine in efforts to get fit while having fun, this new studio in Uptown seemed right up my alley! I have never surfed and certainly need all the core work I can get, so I was excited to "ride the waves" at this new concept (backed by entreprenuer/Shark Tank's Mark Cuban for Surfset Fitness). 

I'll admit I'm not a terribly coordinated gal, but I'm flexible, have balance and am willing to make a total dork of myself in the name of fitness (and a good blog post.) So I quickly went online to book my class:

  • City Surfing: fat burn, lean muscle build, extreme balance (signature class with the most time on the board)
  • Beach Body Bootcamp: strength building/cardio fitness (on the floor and on the board)
  • Buddha Board: increased flexibility and strength (think yoga on the board)
  • Big Kahuna: increased strength and size of skeletal muscles (the pros)
For my first time, I decided to try the signature class option, City Surfing. Registration was easy, but unfortunately, parking wasn't, so I was a little late (I recommend getting there at least 10 minutes before class to ensure your parking space and time to choose your board.)
Thankfully the class wasn't running too far behind, so I quickly jumped on.  Dude...what a change I experienced just becoming acquainted with the board. It was actually a little surreal. Like being on the water without the salt in my face and the sharks at my toes.  Then the sounds of hip hop, rock and a little Bob Marley flooded the room along with a buge slideshow of surfers on the wall to give you the feeling you too were riding the waves (and not just shaking like I was as my legs continued to become stronger with each move.)

But my instructor made it look so easy and with a smile, so ever onward! I really wanted to glide as smooth as she did with each move although I know I probably looked more like a beached whale than a surfer...but I didn't let it get me down.  So with a little motivation from a memory of Pamela Anderson running down the beach on Baywatch, I was willing to continue in hopes I could hang ten (actually more like hang on to the end of the 50-minute workout.) 
What can I say from my CitySurf Fitness? RICT (for those of you non-surfers that means awesome!) The afterburn was amazing - body parts hurt the next day that I didn't even know I had. Burning around 800 calories is totally awesome. And the experience overall totally beats a day on the treadmill. It's definitely a great way to get your body ready for your bikini (or in my case get it out of your coverup and maybe into a tankini by the end of the summer!)  Class packages are available at all different ranges, but I definitely suggest the $10 "Try It" class. After attending you receive a 15% discount when you buy your first package! 
City Surf Fitness 2805 Allen Street, Suite 113 (look for the surf board)  214.880.7433
### DISCLAIMER: I received a trial class of the mentioned products for the sole purpose of this review. No other compensating was given and all opinions expressed are 100 percent my own. (Accordance with FTC's 16 CFR Part 255, "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.")