Friday Q & A: Answering Your Questions!

By Nuwave


Q & A Friday:
Answering Your Questions!

             If You Missed Yeserday's Post About Nutritional Thursday Click Here!

Week 2Journey
Q & A Friday!

Welcome to week 2 journey with our Q & A session. This friday I’m answering some questions I got from viewers on youtube and also giving out some shoutouts that I believe are deserved for cool things people did this week. I hope you guys enjoy!

First off, If you want to be in next week’s featured Friday Q & A, make sure to message me on youtube but you have to be related to my channel in some way. I’m not going to advertise others if I dont think they deserve it. I want to be able to give people to people not just freely advertise stuff lol!

Today was Starting Strength Day #3, we did some Back Squats, Bench Press & Pull ups. Pretty good friday overall! Here are the stats for today, remember that we had to restart our weight with this new round so it may seem pretty low but it will increase 5-10 lbs every workout until we stall.

Back Squat
3 sets of 5 reps @ 75lbs

Bench Press
3 sets of 5 reps @ 100lbs

Pull Ups
*3 sets to failure*
12 reps/ 8 reps/ 6 reps

Overall the workout went pretty good today and was about a 30 minute workout. I also took my C4 pre workout drink today!

Tomorrow is going to be performance saturday, breaking down the technique and showing recovery & safety stuff! Make sure to tune in for that!

You’ll be needing P90X, Insanity or another type of beachbody program to keep you in check & make sure your getting those workouts in! Click the link below for which your interested!

  • P90X2(Sequel to P90X Xtreme Training)
  • P90X (Xtreme Home Workout Program!)
  • Insanity( 60 Day Intense Cardio & Conditioning)

Here’s to Friday Q & A