Fitness Friday: Take A Day Off

By Fitnspicy @fitnspicy

I am typically a 3-5 times per week workout person, with a goal of 5 if I am not traveling. My workouts are usually pretty hard, either yoga, yoga sculpt or cardio/intervals with weights. Not the 30 minutes of cardio and hardly break a sweat kind of workouts. That’s just not my style.

Even at 5 workouts a week I still make sure I take 2 rest days. They are so important for your body! It gives your muscles a chance to heal, you give your joints a rest  and when you tend to have really hard workouts you end up needing it. You may worry you aren’t being active enough or will have performance set backs if you take a rest day. Wrong.

Think about all the things you do in a week, maybe you are running, doing cardio. lifting weights, practicing yoga and biking. That is a lot of jarring motion on your body. And while I would love to think I am still 19 and my body can take that. It can’t. I have a knee that had a torn ACL and it lets me know when I’ve done too much. My knee will start swelling, feel achy, and it feels like there are 2 titanium screws in there. But if I stay active and take rest days I have so few problems with my knee! Considering its been 14 years and I’ve only had to go to the doctor a handful of times since then I would call that success.

If you are a workout junkie who seriously thinks your fitness world might end if you didn’t get 6 or 7 workouts in, maybe take at least 2 days and go a bit lighter. It would be better to take at least 1 full day off but still give your body a break.

You may even be surprised how much stronger/faster you feel after a rest day!

Workouts This Week:

Sunday: Yoga Sculpt

Monday: C2

Tuesday: Yoga Sculpt

Wednesday: I added a rest day because my arms were so sore it hurt to wash my hair.

Thursday: Yoga Sculpt

Friday-Sunday: We will be in Washington D.C. and plan on doing A LOT of walking. While not “structured” workouts, we will still be active.