Chest Shoulders and Triceps from P90X2: My Review

By Nuwave

Today was the usual random P90x2 thursday and the workout was Chest Shoulders and Triceps! Now since this bears the same name as the original P90X workout (minus the X2 before it) I imagined it was going to be very similar workout with stability balls and medicine balls as well. I was partially right so for that I give myself a pat on the back, yeah!

The workout was noticeably shorter than the other ones I’ve done so far. It’s a 48 minute workout with about 10 minutes of stretching before the main workout starts. 37  minutes of working out seems solid if you push hard enough. After that you are supposed to follow up the exercise with X2 Ab ripper.

There is 11 moves and two rounds. For a total of 22 moves in this Chest Shoulders and Triceps workout. The downside is the 11 moves are repeated in round 1 and 2 without any variation. Meaning the variety is lacking, however since you are doing ‘old school’ and ‘new school’ moves mixed together it does add some new twists to classic exercises like the military press.

Personally I would have rather liked Round 1 to be ‘old school’ and round 2 to be the new school that tony horton and the team made for P90X2. I felt this workout was rather lacking in some areas for me, especially the chest. The shoulders and triceps got a decent workout but you need to a large variety of weights to get a decent workout out of this and I’ve got only 20lb dumbbells and one 30lb. The rest is olympic bars and weights which dont work here.

This is my final rating.

Chest Shoulders and Triceps from P90X2

Difficulty: 6/10 – Initially the workout was fairly easy for me due to the strength training I’ve been doing and also being limited on shoulder press exercises. Towards the end of round two I was getting fatigued so I would give it a 8/10 towards the end.

Variety: 6/10 - 11 moves repeated twice in two rounds. While it is a new twist on some old moves it still seems stale after a while so I feel this rating is just.

Overall: Not a bad workout but you need to know how heavy you can lift and bring the right weights to this Chest Shoulders and Triceps workout otherwise you’ll just be going through the motions and not promoting and change you want.

Wanting to get P90X2 yourself and the exclusive two extra workout DVDs? Click the link here to get started! Have me as your coach and reach your dreams! 

Chest Shoulders and Triceps from P90X2

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