Build MORE Muscle!

By Greggers254 @LeeGregory254
There are a few well known personal trainers that I listen to, respect and fully take on board what they say. One thing that seems to be common with those trainers, is a training method called 'TUT', meaning - time under tension.
There are many different training styles that are said to pack on muscle. There are so many different opinions that I have read about of how many reps/sets/exercises/load etc etc that you should be doing. Some of them work, and are great, but some of them are just plain crap (the same with many things to do with health and fitness...) Time under tension, simply means how long you are putting the muscle you are working under stress. For example, with a flat bench press, many people think the best way to gain muscle is to whack a lot of weight on the bar, try your hardest to lift it, and they almost always lower the bar in a second or less. The lifting part, sure does help building muscle, but the lowering part is actually so important. People that are 'tanked', often have used, or always use the TUT method. Sticking with the bench press example, as mentioned, a lot of people take about a second to lower the weight, and take roughly 15-25 seconds to do a full set. With TUT, the average time to do a full set is around 30-50 seconds, with a lowering time of 3-5 seconds. This is A LOT harder to do. It is very likely you will have less weight on the bar, but you will actually make better gains. By taking longer to lower the bar, your actually placing more stress on the muscle, which is what causes the microscopic tears in them, which is then repaired to build the muscle bigger and stronger. To get bigger muscles, you need to tear them more.
I have personally started trying this method, and boy is it harder! You can actually feel yourself getting a better 'pump'. I would strongly recommend trying it, after all, some of the best athletes and bodybuilders do it, and they are pretty hench!