6 Effective Bicep Workouts To Try

By Nuwave

This type of bicep workout is something you can crank out on your off days from main lifting. You ask why workout arms AGAIN when you are trying to rest and recover? Well some people are non responders in their biceps and need more volume. Other people aren't even getting enough volume in their biceps to begin with. Something like 15-19 sets per week of bicep workout focused. That's hard to accomplish when you are already lifting. So best thing to do sometimes is to create an arm or bicep specific day. Here are some of my favorite bicep exercises to do in order to help promote peak/growth and strength.

  1. Cable Curls
  2. Hammer Curls
  3. DB Bicep Curls
  4. Preacher Curls
  5. Concentration Curls
  6. Barbell Curls

These are my top 6 bicep exercises I do depending on the day. I'll either break those 5 exercises up or add an incline for example incline DB bicep curl. Or Alternating hammer curl. With these 6 bicep movements you won't really need to do anything else super fancy to see bicep growth. The Preacher curls will help hit your peak along with concentration curls and DB bicep curls ( especially if sitting on an incline bench). Cable curls are good for time under tension and barbell curls are great for mass and strength. What I typically do is 4 sets of 8 reps or 3 sets of 8 reps with 2-3 different exercises listed above at the end of my pull days. Either on deadlifts or row days. If you have more energy then try to do a 3rd day of biceps and I'm sure you will start seeing growth.

For me personally I try to focus on the mind muscle connection so I try to forcefully think and lift with my left arm because that arm has a weaker bicep peak. I start reps on the left arm first and when lifting on both arms I try to put more emphasis lifting on the left side. It helps reduce the muscle imbalance that is very common in lifters.

Don't forget that exercises like bench press/rows/pull ups/chin ups also target the biceps. While not a direct targeted muscle group they still get worked really hard so make sure to add that into your weekly set limit for biceps to make sure you aren't working them too hard.

About Author

Lloyd L.

Thank you for visiting my website. My name is Lloyd and I live in Hawaii. I started working out in 2010. Read more on how I overcame adversity and transformed my life forever!