Your Guide To Herbs And Fruits Of Summer Pt. 3

By Slherrmann
Hello; happy hump day!
Today I am going to do the final post for herbs and fruits in summer...Enjoy!
Herbs And Fruits Of Summer
St. John's Wort (hypericum perforatum)
Description: Slender perennial herb with elliptical leaves and yellow flowers
Habitat: Dry grasslands in Europe and Western Asia
Part Used: Aerial
Preparations: Infusion, tincture, oil and lotion
Medicinal Action: Uplifting tonic used to treat depression, seasonal affective disorder and insomnia
Active Ingredients: Phloroglucinols, polycidic alones, tannins, flavonoids
****Safety Note: Can counteract the effects of the contraceptive pill****
Lemon Verbena (lippia citriodora)
Description: Deciduous shrub with lemon-scented foliage and clusters of soft, pink-colored flowers
Habitat: Native to the countries in South and Central America
Part Used: Leaves
Preparations: Infusion
Medicinal Action: Creates a tonic that is uplifting and energizing for the mind and body. It also acts as a calming and gentle sedative for the digestive system. And it can help to reduce trapped gas and feelings of bloatedness and relieve the discomfort that is caused by abdominal cramps and pains
Active Ingredients: Volatile oils (citral, cineole, limonene)
Borage (borago officinalis)
Description: Annual herb with large rough leaves, hairy stem and blue flowers
Habitat: Native to the Mediterranean
Part Used: Leaves, flowers and seeds
Preparations: Poultice and infusion
Medicinal Action: Decongestant for respiratory system. Regulates the menstrual cycle
Active Ingredients: Pyrrolizidine alkoloids, mucilage, saponins
****Safety Note: Before using , consult an herbalist****
Holy Basil (ocimum sanctum)
Description: Holy basil is an aromatic annual member of the mint family that contains tiny purple-red flowers
Habitat: The herb is native to regions of India but can be found in other locations that have a tropical climate
Part Used: Aerial parts when in flower
Preparations: Juice and decoction
Medicinal Actions: Protects the heart from experiencing too much stress and lowers the body's blood pressure and cholesterol levels. The juice and decoction can stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce the fever brought on by respiratory infections
Active Ingredients: Contains volatile oils such as eugenol
Daisy (bellis perennis)
Description: Hardy perennial with green leaves and golden flowers
Habitat: Native to Europe and common in grasslands
Part Used: Young flowers and leaves
Preparations: Infusion
Medicinal Action: Externally reduces swelling and bruising. Internally, spring tonic for enteritis and diarrhea
Active Ingredients: Saponins, essential oils, tannins, bitters
****Safety Note: Daisy can be toxic when taken in high doses****