Weekly Ramblings: Round 12

By Deepikadivassence
How was your week? Mine was pretty hectic. I've joined a 9 to 5 (actually 6!!) job and this is my first step into the corporate world! I've heard so many stories about what goes on in the corporate world so I'm pretty scared! On the other hand, since I was (and will be) busy with that, Ghayathri has offered to take care of the blog. Thank you girl! <3 And did you guys enjoy the Color show week? Well, there is two more coming up tomorrow! :D 

Recently, I've been reading The Secret Letters of the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari and it has made me take a second look on how I approach life. I loved The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari but I like this one better. I love how it takes me through the streets of various cities across the world! The book has actually motivated me to change my perspective and approach life differently. I loved the letters! A must read!! 

Finally we have "winter" in Chennai this year. It's 23 degrees Celsius today and the Rain Gods have shown some mercy on us and have been sending water our way. My hair has been strangely behaving and after the haircut, I thought maybe it would frizz out and look electrocuted!!
I've been using NYX cream blush in hot pink for work everyday. If worn properly, it gives you an amazing yet natural flush of pink color, like one of those "I've been out in the cold" types.
I've been switching between The Body Shop Brazil Nut Body Wash and Palmolive Coconut Body Scrub. The Palmolive one has a sweet coconut scent that I absolutely love and the scrub particles aren't rough. If you have dry skin, you will ove this one! It completely scrubs off all the dead cells!! The Body Shop Brazil Nut Body Wash has to be the creamiest body wash ever!! My skin feels moist and supple after using it and it is so good for dry skin!! The St. Ives Body Lotion has been a staple in my skincare routine and it continues to be my savior in winter.

There is a restaurant called ID (Idli Dosa) in Chennai which I absolutely loved once upon a time. When they initially started out, the quantity of food for the price was unbeliavable (considering it was located in Satyam Cinemas). The picture shown above is that of a pesarattu (similar to dosa but has a green gram batter instead). It has upma inside (Upma is made out of sooji and almost has a consistency like a kichidi) with onions and green chillies. It is served with ginger chutney and this alone could satiate a very hungry stomach. But sadly, after their second outlet in Phoeniz Mall, the quantity served has decreased and the prices have gone up!! I doubt if I'll go there again but then again, the food served there is yummy so...... *checking purse*

Irish Coffee with whipped cream! Slurrp! 

I get bored of things quite easily (it is so surprising that my love for makeup is increasing day by day and there are no signs of boredom as yet!!). I was just analyzing how much time I've spent at Cafe Coffee Day and then realized that my taste has varied so much over the years!! When I was in Class 11, I used to have Tropical Iceberg everyday with a friend (so much so that they gave us a membership card!! :P) and then when I discovered I was lactose intolerant, I shifted to Irish coffee without whipped cream (I had whipped cream once and I fell sick! Milk is the culprit!!) and my recent love is Cafe Americano! Wonder what it will be next! 
That's it for this weekend. We have a lot of segments in store for you in the coming months. Our theme for next week is... keep guessing!! ;)