VIVO Baked Blushers Round Up

By Deepikadivassence
Baked blushers from VIVO have become a hit among beauty bloggers due to the amazing quality. The quantity provided, is enough to last a lifetime and for 4 pounds each, these individual baked blushers are a must have in my opinion!! For those of you who haven’t read my reviews on these blushers here is a recap of sorts. I’ve reviewed 3 out of the 4 blushers which are available and I’m hoping VIVO adds a few more colours to the collection! The three that have been reviewed are Cinnamon Glow, Rosy and Rouge Shimmer, all of which suit our Indian skin tones. 

Cinnamon Glow - A blush that has a dirty mauve-y-pink undertone and imparts a soft glow when used.
Read more about it here.

Rosy - Gives a slightly warm pink glow to your cheeks which instantly perks up your skin.
Read more about it here. 

Rouge Shimmer- A rosy, warm pink with warm pink and red veins.
Read more about it here

Let us know your favorite of the three in the comments section below!