Unveiling the Differences: BJJ Training Gis Vs Competition Gis

By Geoff Griffiths @mmatraining1980

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) has gained immense popularity worldwide, with practitioners constantly seeking the perfect Gi for their training and competition needs. The choice between a training Gi and a competition Gi is crucial, as each serves distinct purposes. 

In this blog, we will explore the key differences between these two types of Gis, including material, design, shape, weight, grabbing capabilities, and their impact on protection against mat-born infections. 

Additionally, we will highlight what makes a great BJJ training Gi and recommend the Revgear Arroyo Gi, known for its affordable price and super flexible material in the right places for maximum maneuverability without compromising protection.


One of the primary differences between training Gis and competition Gis lies in the choice of material. Training Gis are often made of durable, heavyweight cotton, providing longevity and withstanding the rigors of regular training. On the other hand, competition Gis are usually crafted from lighter materials like pearl weave or ripstop fabric. This lighter construction allows for increased mobility and breathability during high-intensity matches.


Training Gis tend to have a simpler design, focusing on durability and functionality rather than flashy aesthetics. They often feature reinforced stitching and sturdy lapels to withstand rigorous training sessions. Competition Gis, on the other hand, often showcase more intricate designs and embroidery, reflecting the athlete’s personal style.


Training Gis typically have a more relaxed and roomy fit to accommodate the wide range of movements performed during training. Competition Gis, on the contrary, are designed with a more tailored fit to minimize an opponent’s ability to grab and manipulate the fabric.


Training Gis are generally heavier due to their thicker fabric and reinforced construction. The added weight can help simulate real-life scenarios and build strength during training. Competition Gis, on the other hand, aim for a lighter weight to enhance agility and speed during matches.

Grabbing Capabilities

The choice of material and design greatly influences the gripping and grabbing capabilities of the Gi. Training Gis with a heavier fabric and reinforced areas provide more substantial grips, allowing practitioners to develop their techniques and grips effectively. Competition Gis, with their lighter weight and more tailored fit, minimize the opponent’s ability to secure advantageous grips.

Protection against Mat-Borne Infections

Both training Gis and competition Gis play a role in protecting practitioners against mat-born infections. The material used in Gis should be moisture-wicking and antimicrobial, helping to prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi. However, training Gis often have thicker and more durable fabric, which can offer an extra layer of protection against the mat’s surface, reducing the risk of skin abrasions and infections.

Reinforcement and Durability

Training Gis are built to withstand the demands of rigorous training, featuring reinforced stitching, sturdy collars, and reinforced knee panels. Competition Gis, while still durable, may prioritize lightweight construction over extreme durability, as they are intended for occasional use during competitions.

Compliance with Competition Regulations

Competitive BJJ events have specific regulations regarding the design, material, and fit of Gis. Competition Gis are designed to adhere to these rules and guidelines, ensuring that practitioners can compete without facing disqualification. Training Gis, however, do not need to conform to these strict regulations and can provide more flexibility in terms of design and material choice.


Training Gis are often more affordable than competition Gis due to their simpler design and heavier construction. They are designed to withstand the wear and tear of regular training sessions, making them a cost-effective choice for practitioners. Competition Gis, on the other hand, may be pricier due to the use of specialized lightweight materials and intricate designs.

Personal Preference

Ultimately, the choice between a training Gi and a competition Gi depends on personal preference and training goals. Some practitioners may prefer the durability and functionality of a training Gi for their day-to-day training, while others may opt for a lighter, more tailored competition Gi for specific competitions. It’s important to consider individual needs, style, and the intended use of the Gi when making a decision.

Choosing the right Gi is essential for any BJJ practitioner, considering the differences between training Gis and competition Gis. While training Gis focus on durability, functionality, and affordability, competition Gis prioritize lightweight construction and adherence to competition regulations. 

The Revgear Arroyo Gi is an excellent recommendation for a great training Gi, known for its affordable price and super flexible material in the right places for maximum maneuverability without compromising protection. 

Remember, finding the perfect Gi is a personal journey that should align with your training goals and preferences, ensuring a comfortable and rewarding BJJ experience.