Unexpected Benefits of Banana Peels for Skin

By Rojer @healthxwellness

Bananas are not just healthy snack options, they can even work wonders for your skin. They are enriched with antioxidants, nutrients, vitamins and phytochemicals that help to nourish, moisturize and revitalize dry skin. It is an amazing fact to know that not just the flesh but banana peels are also packed with powerful and beneficial nutrients, making it superb for skin care use. Given below are best effective uses of banana peels for treating skin related problems.

Top 7 Benefits of Banana Peels

Removes Warts

The banana peel helps in removing warts and eliminates the occurrence of new ones. For this, simply rub the peel on the affected area or tie the peel overnight on it. This is one of the simplest ways to use a banana peel for the skin.

Benefits of Banana Peels for Skin

Treat Pimples

The banana peel helps in curing pimples. Start by massaging the banana peels on to the face and to the body for about 5 minutes daily in order to cure pimples. Within a week the results are visible. The peels should be applied at a time duration till the pimples disappears.

Lighten Dark Spots

The high content of antioxidants and potassium in banana peels make it excellent for diminishing the visibility of scars. Peel off the banana and separate it into long stripes. Now rub the inside layer of the banana peel on your scars directly in circular motion to allow the nutrients to get absorbed into the skin. Wipe the area clean using a moisten washcloth. Use this remedy everyday and the dark spots and scars will gradually begin to lighten.

Acne Treatment

There’s been some success for treating blemishes and acne by rubbing the affected area (gently is key!) for a few minutes then rinsing, repeating three times daily. The antioxidants and nutrients in the peels help pesky breakouts.

Oil Control

If you have greasy or oily skin, banana face mask is excellent to control oil secretion and render your skin clean. Banana works as a superb exfoliator and removes excessive sebum from the surface of your skin. Besides it also contains moisture and essential vitamins to give you clear and glowing skin. Make your own banana pack by mixing honey and lemon juice. Apply on your face and wash off later with water.

Banana Peels

Natural Scrub

Banana peels makes an excellent scrub to gently cleanse your skin without rendering it dry. They provide added benefits of tightening the skin and prevent premature aging. Make a natural scrub at home by mashing 1 banana with spoon and adding 2 tbsp of granulated sugar and few drops of essential oil to it. Mix well and massage this banana scrub on your face, arms and legs. Rinse off later with water.

Skin moisturizer

Rich in potassium and moisture, it will hydrate and moisturizes dry skin, making it soft and supple. If your skin is peeling and dry, simply apply a banana face mask on your face. Get a small bowl, mash up a ripe banana with the back of your fork, and apply to your face, avoiding the area around your eye and mouth. Rinse with cold water after 10 to 15 minutes and enjoy the soft feel of your skin.