Love the calf guards!
Yesterday I decided to mix things up from my normal routine opting instead for a road run of about 35kms. It was after dark so I opted for the full pack (about 6.5kgs) and the full compression outfit from Linebreak, calf guards, shorts and short sleeved top. I wouldn’t want to upset the locals by being seen out all in lycra in daylight! By running in the dark, which is something Pam chooses to do quite often, you have a very different experience, you could almost say a more pure experience as you have fewer distractions. The roads I run are very quiet and at night it is unusual to see any cars at all, so I can turn off my torch and rely on feel to guide me. I found that I could run on along the middle of the road without too much difficulty, as I could sense if I strayed because of the changing camber of the road.The great thing is you have little else to think about, so I could focus on my running form, and importantly keep on top of my nutritional and fluid needs. I often find on longer runs that I forget to eat or drink properly with unpleasant results. The problem for me is getting too dehydrated on the run, which I can’t properly replenish before the next day’s effort.What was also different was that in the course of this run I didn’t stop once, not even to pee (a trick that takes practice) as normally I would stop at the top of a hill or at a scenic spot for a few minutes recovery. I basically found myself in the zone, running at an amazingly regular pace kilometre after kilometre. My heart rate was about 10bpm lower than normal, as if my body was saying to me,” look what I can do without you thinking and causing problems!”This was certainly very reassuring, and I guess is a reflection on the base training I have put in over the previous months. I did feel a little tired after, before realising that I had hardly eaten anything all day, and had been engaged in some fairly physical digging in the garden for a couple of hours prior to running.Andy“It is not death or dying that is tragic, but rather to have existed without fully participating in life – that is the deepest personal tragedy.” – Edward