Types of Meditation Techniques That Are Good for Your Health

By Rojer @healthxwellness

The different types of meditation help keep your body and mind healthy.Meditation is an ancient method of employing the mind-body connection to achieve specific developmental goals.

There are many different types of meditation techniques that are practised by people from all walks of life, while holding towards the fundamental principles of reflection and quiet considered to bring about a state of rumination. Several of different types might demand the body remaining completely still in order to be stimulated with controlled deliberation, whereas other types will allow free movement of the body.With so many traditions and practices to choose from, you might be faced with an overwhelming number of choices when you’re looking for a meditation program that resonates with you.

The different types of meditation help keep your body and mind healthy. Meditative practices have existed for hundreds of years and since the last couple of decades, the use of meditation has increased because of the rise of interest about the teaching of the eastern cultures and also the stress and anxiety of modern life.

Focused Meditation

If the idea of clearing your mind of all thoughts stresses you out of trouble, focused meditation is great because you can focus on an audio, object, mantra, or thought. The important thing here is to just focus on one of this stuff and stay committed to that one thought or object. This is where relaxation music comes in handy. Despite the fact that you’re essentially using your mind, you will be amazed at how rejuvenated you feel afterwards. Within our day to day lives, our minds actually are in 10 different places at once!

Reflective Meditation

Reflective meditation can also be known as analytical meditation and refers to disciplined thinking. In order to successfully practice reflective meditation, you will have to choose a question, theme, or topic and concentrate your analysis or reflection on there. Initially, your thoughts may wander to other topics however you need to train your mind to come back towards the topic in question. In order to do this, you have to learn concentration meditation first.

Spiritual mediation

It is the oldest form of mediation and it is the most popular technique all over the world. You can experience peace, guidance and inner wisdom when the mind is quite. You should sit within an upright position, concentrate on breathing and slowly chant mantras or God’s name. Many people practice spiritual meditation like a prayer offering to God, because they believe that they can channelize their thoughts inside a particular direction.

Mindfulness Meditation

The most well-known type of meditation, mindfulness meditation, is all about being aware of the sounds and activities happening who are around you. It’s almost a flow-like type of meditation, since you literally just let your mind be fluid and flow in one thought to the next, not really concentrating on one particular thing. For instance, if you reside in a noisy city, it’s not necessary to block out the outside sirens and screaming children, you let your mind be aware of the sounds without becoming too focused.

Meditation Techniques

Mantra Meditation

Mantras are words which are chanted loudly during meditation. It may seem odd to become making loud noises during a meditation session, but it is actually the sounds that end up being the object being focused on. In yoga, the mantra Om is often used since it delivers a deep vibration which makes it easy for the mind to concentrate on that specific sound.

Movement Meditation

Movement meditation may seem intimidating, but when you’re by yourself and you really get in it, it can be extremely uplifting and relaxing simultaneously. Sitting with your eyes closed, simply concentrate on your breath and try out different gentle, repetitive flowing movements. Instead of focus on a sound, object, or thought, just turn your focus on your movement.