Type of Exercise That Allowed for Pregnant Women

By Rojer @healthxwellness

Exercise during pregnancy is well recognised as being both a safe and beneficial practice for mother and foetus

Maintaining a regular exercise routine throughout your pregnancy can help you remain healthy and feel your best. It can also improve your posture and decrease some common discomforts like backaches and fatigue.

Regular physical activity provides many health and social benefits and could also help manage some symptoms of pregnancy. Unless you have complications, it should be easy to enjoy some level of physical activity throughout most of your pregnancy. Talk to your doctor, physiotherapist or doctor before starting any new exercise program.

Its easier to control your weight gain if you exercise. This benefit continues after your baby comes into the world, making it easier for you to get back into shape. On the exercising during pregnancy.


Many health care providers and fitness professionals say swimming may be the safest exercise for pregnant women. Swimming keeps your body toned without adding weight and stress to your joints. When swimming you are raising your heart rate and having a safe cardiovascular exercise that is not likely to cause overheating.

Kegel Exercises

Exercise that focuses on pelvic floor exercise is useful to facilitate the birth over time later. In this exercise encouraged pregnant women to manage their muscles during childbirth. Kegel exercises after childbirth also help healing, restore urinary control and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.


Walking is very beneficial since it is safe for your body. It is easier on your knees than running and can be easily worked into your schedule. Start slowly and make certain you stretch well before you begin. Be realistic and wear good shoes to decrease the risk of falling or pressure on your feet.

Running and Jogging

Usually if you are inside a habit of running, you can continue running. However, should you did not run before pregnancy, you may want to talk to your health care provider before you begin a running program. If you run, make sure you’re well hydrated, avoid over-heating and wear good shoes.

Up the Stairs

If in the home there are stairs leading upstairs, pregnant women may use for a means of exercise. This method is affordable, but need to be careful when doing so.

Exercise that Allowed for Pregnant Women


This sport status comparable to jogging. Pregnant women must obtain a recommendation from the doctor first before doing so so as not to endanger lives.


The best aspect of biking is that the bike supports your weight, there is less stress on your body. A stationary bike is great exercise because you have less of a possibility of falling. As you grow, your center of gravity is shifting so you are in an increased risk of falling. As your abdomen grows, it may put a lot of stress on your back. Start slowly and don’t over-exert yourself.