We returned from our one-week hiatus, and had a great night of Trivia on Tuesday. The bar was filled, and it was great to see a few old friends, Peter, Ruth and Amy, in for Trivia for the first time at the Caledonia.
We had a short delay at the start, as the console we do the Trivia on was being transported from another bar in Brooklyn, but everyone was really into the Trivia once we got going. We had a three-way tie after two rounds, and we had a tie after round four, and the same two teams were deadlocked after IQ Trivia concluded.
The tie was broken when I asked "How much did Robert Downey Jr. earn as the highest-paid actor in America in 2014? The team of The Nightmare Before Christmas: Home Alone With Kim Jung Un guessed $67 million (it was $75 million) and won the night, with 52 points. Congrats to Mike and his friends on their first ever win on Trivia Night. Second place went to When I Think About You, I Touch My Elf , and third place went to I Wish This Microphone Was a Dick (which won for Best Team Name, as I got nothing but guffaws every time I read it) with 44 points.
Current Events
1. Who was selected recently as Time magazine's "Person of the Year" for 2014?
2. What Internet giant was named the best company in America to work for by the career site Glassdoor?
3. What rapper was the highest paid musician of 2014, earning $620 million, according to Forbes magazine?
4. What Hollywood iconic star was nominated for a Golden Globe for the 29th time recently, the most by anyone in the combined film and TV categories?
5. What Hollywood star recently petitioned the Massachusetts Parole Board for a pardon over a 1998 assault conviction and has the blessing of the man he once assaulted?
6. A time capsule was unearthed recently near the Massachusetts State House that is believed to have been buried by two of America's earliest patriots. Name 1 of the 2 men.
7. What female cable personality was selected as the "Most Annoying TV Host" by a Ranker.com poll for 2014?
Christmas Trivia
1. In "A Charlie Brown Christmas," what Christmas song does Lucy ask Schroeder to play for her on the piano?
2. What Christmas movie was primarily set at West 11th Street in Cleveland, Ohio?
3. In what country is the Christmas tree believed to have originated?
4. "A Christmas Carol" was written by what 19th century author?
5. What Tchaikovsky ballet is a favorite during the Christmas season?
6. What horror film star was the narrator of the classic Christmas TV special "How the Grinch Stole Christmas?"
7. What Christmas song, released in 1958, is still the only one to reach number one on the Billboard Hot 100 Singles chart?
BONUS: 8. What are 2 of the 3 main rituals of the holiday of Festivus?
Christmas Film Trivia By Decade ("The Q Train")
1. It's a Wonderful Life
2. Home Alone
3. The Santa Clause
4. Scrooged
5. Love Actually
6. A Christmas Story
7. Miracle On 34th Street
8. How The Grinch Stole Christmas
9. The Nightmare Before Christmas
10. White Christmas
General Knowledge
1. What two colors make gray? ( 1 pt)
2. Assuming the thumb is the first finger, what number is the ring finger? ( 1 pt)
3. What is the 17th letter of the alphabet? ( 1 pt)
4. Arbor Day is the last Friday in what month? ( 2 pt)
5. Lake Pontchartrain is found in what US state? ( 2 pt)
6. Hankook, Cooper and Pirelli all manufacture what product? ( 2 pt)
7. A fletcher is a person who makes what type of product? ( 3 pt)
IQ Trivia
1. What US president once gave a speech in Milwaukee with a bullet wound in his chest, and survived? ( 4 points)
2. What country has Stella Artois beer been brewed in since 1926? ( 3 points)
3. "Silent Gray Fellow" was an early 20th century nickname for what present-day motor vehicles? ( 5 points)
4. What Canadian artist had the highest-selling country album of all-time in 1997? ( 4 points)
5. What actor won an Academy Award each for playing the characters of Popeye Doyle and Little Bill Daggett in films over 20 years apart? ( 4 points)
Current Events
1. Ebola doctors; 2. Google; 3. Dr. Dre; 4. Meryl Streep; 5. Mark Wahlberg; 6. Paul Revere & Samuel Adams; 7. Nancy Grace.
Christmas Trivia
1. "Jingle Bells;" 2. "A Christmas Story;" 3. Germany; 4. Charles Dickens; 5. "The Nutcracker;" 6. Boris Karloff; 7. "The Chipmunk Song;" 8. The Festivus Pole, Airing of Grievances & The Feats of Strength.
Christmas Film Trivia By Decade ("The Q Train")
1. 1940s (1946); 2. 1990s (1990); 3. 1990s (1994); 4. 1980s (1988); 5. 2000s (2003); 6. 1980s (1983); 7. 1940s (1947); 8. 2000s (2000); 9. 1990s (1993); 10. 1950s (1954).
General Knowledge
1. Black and white; 2. four; 3. Q; 4. April; 5. Louisiana; 6. tires; 7. arrows.
IQ Trivia
1. Theodore Roosevelt; 2. Belgium; 3. Harley-Davidson motorcycles; 4. Shania Twain; 5. Gene Hackman.