Top Dance Blog Contest - Dance Advantage

By Ballerinablogger

Hey readers! I was recently left a comment regarding a competition for the "Top Dance Blog" and would like to send a thank-you to the blogger who left it. Thank you! :)

So, I've gladly decided to enter the competition. I've been running this blog for about a year and a half and SO much has happened in that time frame. As I look back at all of my posts throughout the year it's just crazy to see how much can change in such a short amount of time... (Gah! Now I'm getting all weepy-eyed!)
Well ANYWAY, here's the link to the contest in case any of you other ballet-bloggers wanted to submit your blog:
You can support my blog in the contest by voting! All you have to do is post a comment below! Just something short and sweet would be awesome! :D To help any further you can spread the word about my blog on Facebook/Twitter or even in person to your friends. Don't forget to tell them to vote too! :)
Thank you to every last one of my readers, you guys are truly awesome!