If you are a parent, then you may have heard of Dr. William Sears. Dr. Sears is a renowned pediatrician and author, penning more than 30 books on childcare over the course of his illustrious career. He’s a baby whisperer in my book based on his theory of Attachment Parenting, but all of his findings are scientifically based, so I don’t want to get too woo woo on you.
I became a Dr. Sears groupie after reading The Baby Book. Apart from all the cute little hineys on the cover, I was thrilled by the teachings inside, which actually worked for me as a clueless new parent.
Not so sexy but oh so functional
My then tiny person was struggling with getting to sleep. Putting Dr. Sears’ advice into practice, I was finally able to get my slumbering baby out of my arms and into the crib without waking her. Multiple times. Every day. Yes I had to wear a digital watch with a little light in it all the time to track that magical 20 minute threshold when moving a snoozing infant without consequence is possible. But having my teensy newbie nod off in a peaceful and snugly environment was worth every ounce of sacrificial wristal-sweating-due-to-cheap-watch’s-platic-strap-in-the-Texas-heat-ness. Every ounce.
My favorite topic with my favorite Doc! Who’d have ever thought I’d be revisiting such a great mentor in this unexpected new capacity after so many years. Clearly this was meant to be. YAY! I am so SO excited. After learning and adopting the 80% food rule for over 2 years now, I finally feel qualified to get some bonafide training behind me and help spread the word in a more validated way.
Of course all good things take time, and I my classes won’t begin until mid-February. But I just had to share the news because this is something I’ve wanted for a long time, and without your support and encouragement, would never have had the guts to try. So thank you!