First, there is Entertained, and then there is my writing blog.
It's been nice to put a bit of focus onto other areas that I'm passionate about and I'm loving working on the entertainment blog with my other half.
I've also had the setback of being without a camera recently, and with Christmas coming up work and life are about to get even more busy, so I guess I'm just here to warn you that I'm probably not going to be around much until the end of the year.
Buuuut, I promise that I have so much to share. Now that I have long nails *touch wood* I'm really into doing my nails, and I'm currently obsessed with Barry M's Magnetic Polishes, which a lovely lady introduced me to. So, I have lots of Nails of the Days planned and I'll pop a few up if and when I get chance to.
So, to show you guys that I still love you, and I haven't forgotten about you. here's a great Thoughtful Thursday so that you don't forget me ;)
And no, that is definitely not me in my underwear...I don't have the confidence!!!
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