Thoughtful Thursday: 22.11.2912 (just!)

By Kittyfairy @KittyFairy
Hi, my name's Kat and I used to blog here pretty frequently....yeah, so it's been a bit quiet over here recently, and I'm not going to beat about the bush - I have seriously lost my beauty blogging mojo. You know how when you do something for so long, you just get sick of it, especially when it is also your job? Don't get me wrong, I love writing and blogging about beauty, but when I'm doing it for my job, it sort of feels like I'm bringing my job home with me, and it got to a stage where I was just spending all of my time doing beauty stuff. So, I subconsciously took a break from doing it, putting my efforts into my work and a couple of other blogs that you might want to check out - yeah, I'm plugging ;)
First, there is Entertained, and then there is my writing blog.
It's been nice to put a bit of focus onto other areas that I'm passionate about and I'm loving working on the entertainment blog with my other half.
I've also had the setback of being without a camera recently, and with Christmas coming up work and life are about to get even more busy, so I guess I'm just here to warn you that I'm probably not going to be around much until the end of the year.
Buuuut, I promise that I have so much to share. Now that I have long nails *touch wood* I'm really into doing my nails, and I'm currently obsessed with Barry M's Magnetic Polishes, which a lovely lady introduced me to. So, I have lots of Nails of the Days planned and I'll pop a few up if and when I get chance to.
So, to show you guys that I still love you, and I haven't forgotten about you. here's a great Thoughtful Thursday so that you don't forget me ;)
And no, that is definitely not me in my underwear...I don't have the confidence!!!
Source: via Kat on Pinterest

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