The Six Diet Guidelines To Ease The Symptoms Of Menopause

Posted on the 07 December 2013 by Lynettesheppard @LynetteSheppard

Ginger Mint Shrimp © lynette sheppard

Sonya Anderson of Her Fitness Journal contributed this timely guest blog post. The holidays are here and overindulging is hard to avoid. Her common sense diet guidelines can help us get through them in a healthy, balanced way, while also helping ease some of the symptoms of menopause.

In addition to this helpful post, Sonya offered this question to all of us: if we know what and how we should eat for better health, why don’t we do it? I’d love to hear from any and all goddesses about those things that get in our way. (I’ll share mine at the end of this post.)

The Six Diet Guidelines To Ease Out The Symptoms Of Menopause

A normal occurrence for women between the ages of forty to fifty, the cessation of menstruation is mainly caused by a physiological factor; ovulation no longer occurs. The clinical manifestations of menopause vary from mild to severe. This may be accompanied by psychological symptoms like; feelings of loss, children grown, the aging process starts to occur. At the same time a menopausal woman experiences hot flashes and nervous symptoms such as, depression, insomnia, weakness and dizziness. Women must keep in mind that during this time diseases like Atherosclerosis and Osteoporosis are more likely to develop. These characteristics are completely irreversible but with the help of a proper diet it can be alleviated and help the menopausal woman cope well and adapt to the changes they may experience while the symptoms occur.

Here are six diet suggestions to help ease out the symptoms of menopause.

Have Enough Calcium

Every menopausal woman must be aware that their bones are prone to being brittle and fragile. It is important to consume more calcium, take supplements and exercise as well. Sources can be found mostly in dairy products, nonfat milk, yogurt, cheese, and canned salmon with bones, dried beans and dark leafy green vegetables. An ideal intake of 1,200 milligrams a day is generally advised.

Load Up On Iron Intake
Having a minimum of three servings daily ensures that Iron, an essential constituent of hemoglobin is fully supplemented in the body. The best sources are; liver, kidney, heart, cooked dry beans, lean pork and beef, dried fruits such as apricots, peaches, prunes and raisins. Fair sources include; spinach, mustard, nuts and greens.

High Fiber Foods
A high roughage (fiber) diet is prescribed to avoid constipation and reduce the presence of cholesterol in the body. Have enough servings of fiber from the following sources; whole wheat breads and pastas, cereals, oats, rice grains, unrefined bran, fruits and vegetables. Fiber helps lower cholesterol level by keeping the cholesterol intake from being absorbed into the body. Consume more than 20 grams daily.

Fresh Fruits And Vegetables
They are valued because of the essential vitamins and minerals they contain. Incorporate at least 2 cups of full servings daily for better absorption of its nutrients.

Eat Less Fat
Foods that are rich in fat content are a definite no. Limit the intake of food loaded with saturated fat. Consuming too much fat is unhealthy and may lead to weight problems and heart disease. Saturated fat usually comes from animal meat sources (fat portions of pork, beef, and chicken skin). Trans-fat sources include cakes, pastries; butter/margarine based foods and processed foods (hotdogs, bacons, sausages, etc.). The goal is to limit fat consumption to less than one third of the required calorie intake.

Moderate Use Of Sugar And Salt Intake
The presence of too much sodium contributes to high blood pressure levels. Avoid highly salted foods and sugar based food products such as; canned soups, potato chips, carbonated soda or beverages. Reduce intake of processed foods as well since they contain too much salt and nitrates which are linked to fatal diseases (cancer, heart attack, diabetes etc.).
Visit Sonya’s blog at Her Fitness Journal.

OK, back to the question: what keeps us from eating healthy on a regular basis? As I promised, I’ll go first. Hmmmmm. Well, I’ll eat cake or pie if someone made it so I don’t hurt their feelings. (Also a good rationalization.) Oh yes, when I gained weight no matter how much I exercised or ate properly. Because then I felt like it just didn’t matter. Or when I just get too lazy to make something say, gluten free, when I can just buy something already made with processed flour and such.

What gets in your way? I think this might be a very good conversation – and we might all gain from it. So let us know your thoughts right here in the comments. Thanks, Sonya, for starting a thought provoking discussion.