The Next Step

By Runnersami @runnersami

Quick update on my injury. Visited a sports medicine doctor yesterday. He was one of those old-school, no BS doctors, which I really appreciate. After asking me a series of questions about when and how the injury happened and what causes it to hurt more, everything, or less, nothing. Then he had me do a series of leg lifts, pushes, pulls and presses so he could try to pinpoint what the injury might be. After those he took X-rays to rule out any injury to my bone. Fortunately, the slides came back clean with no evidence of any bone damage. So he sat me down to discuss a plan of action. It pretty much boiled down to this – REST. Then rest some more. And after that I should REST. I’m not sure which hurts more, my injury or the command to rest. What he said made sense, but was hard to hear for someone who loves being active and, even more, loves to run. But I’m going to take his advice and the advice of other runners in both resting and also thinking positively about healing.

What’s next? I’m going to go in for an MRI then a follow-up with my doctor. Hopefully the MRI will be able to pinpoint what exactly is going on and I’ll be able to discuss a more specific plan of action, or a timetable, to help facilitate my healing and get me back to running faster.

Until then…happy running!