You guys are going to die when I tell you the story of when I first smelled this scent. But first, let me read you the notes:* Musk with Rose, * Jasmine, * Amber and * Wood.
These are all notes that I absolutely hate and run from in a scent, but oddly it's so light and airy that this actually works. In fact, it is very soothing to me.
I just don't know why, but a lot of girls say that this reminds them of their nan, well to me this scent is very natural and "bohemian" (not that I consider myself bohemian at all lol).
So onto my hilarious story. I first smelled TBS's white musk many many moons ago. In fact, if my drunken memory serves me right, it was on a night out with friends and somehow we all ended up at a strip club after hitting the clubs, and all I remember saying to a stripper was "you smell great, what is that you are wearing?" LOL! She was wearing this, so I immediately went out and got a tiny perfume bottle of this. Yep, it will forever remind me of the stripper lady lol!!!
Anyways, if you want something delicate, light, but still earthy and boho, then this might be for you. It is a dark horse, because I NEVER thought that I would like this scent, but I do and it's something that I keep coming back to due to it's affordable price and soothing effects.
*************************TUNE OF THE DAYTaking it back to the early 90's in terms of product & tune :)