I was tagged with the Sunshine award yesterday. This was quite distressing.
Before I proceed, I think I need to let some ray of light shine a bit. So here are:
Reasons To Be Happy
-Today is Gotcha Day in our family. 9 years ago, my wife and I were in China, and were handed the treasure who now enriches our life beyond what any cliche can offer up.(I know, this is plenty and the list can end right here, but wait, there's more)-I took two straight days off running which means today's run should feel great.-The paperback version of On the Lips of Children is coming any day now.-Fall. Best weather outside for running.-Miquel Cabrera and Devon Gardner.-Halloween Candy bags from Target or Costco, which will soon be opened up way before Halloween. (oops, this one ripped)-Two episodes of Breaking Bad left.-I have way more than most, probably more than I deserve, and the wonders of the universe are at my disposal. In other words; 'Superman and Green Lantern ain't got nothing on me.'
Here are my sunshine answers:Do you prefer to wear jeans/pants or shorts?Shorts, ideally with sandals.
When others get discouraged when it comes to fitness/health/weight loss, what is your go-to piece of advice? Patience and persistence.
Who is your favorite band/musician?Trapped on a deserted island, I would want the entire collection of Led Zeppelin, but soon I would also long for some Arcade Fire, some White Stripes, the Glee soundtrack, the Monkees, Eminem, Nine Inch Nails. You get the picture.
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? Can I shrink myself to microscopic size, and be injected into someone's blood stream? If not, then New Zealand and try to live like a Hobbit.
What is your favorite place in the world you have visited?China, as much because of the experience as the reason I was there.(see above)
What is your favorite vegetable? Bananas, apples, peaches... all my favorite vegetables are fruits
Do you like spicy food?Yes, but not if I'm running later that day, then no way.
Do you have a pet(s)?Many who are deceased. Alive is one guinea pig and one fish
How long have you been blogging?3 years, but it probably took 6 months or more before it had any focus at all. Or any hits.
What is your favorite quote?As of late, this one resonates:
“Do not fear going forward slowly; fear only to stand still.”