Strong Supplement Shop Review

By Geoff Griffiths @mmatraining1980

I have to say, I’ve ordered from Strong Supplement Shop 4 times and their customer service is bob on.

I’ve ordered HydroxyElite by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals each time.

BTW I don’t use this for fat loss or weight loss, I use it for my sinus problems.

The active ingredient is DMAA, was originally marketed as a decongestant until it’s fat-burning properties were discovered. I split 1 capsule into 2 (using an empty capsule – I buy these in bulk) and find that it’s the most powerful decongestant there is, and I have tried absolutely everything! I try only to use it once in the mornings, Monday to Friday and it’s not something that I recommend.

I’m hoping that this is something that I can discontinue once I’m through the first few weeks of my alkaline-keto diet. I know taking DMAA to treat a sinus problem seems a bit extreme, but it really does ruin my mood & cognitive abilities when I feel like my head is under water. I’m trying to treat the cause rather than the symptom by reducing systemic inflammation with probiotic & prebiotic foods, no sugar in my diet, no wheat, no dairy, very little meat, high amounts of turmeric, ginger, intermittent fasting, ketosis and alkaline foods and supplements such as sodium bicarbonate.

Anyway, in case you’re wondering, it’s a legit shop & company and I’ve found them very good so far. Even when the supplement that I ordered was out of stock in the UK, it only took a few days to arrive from the US.

More information on DMMA here.