But as for Easter, isn’t it Good Friday when all the serious work went down? Right?Friday is the day Jesus was crucified and nailed to the cross. To me, that is quite a bigger deal than on Sunday. Sure, Sunday is when the miracle of resurrection happens, but to honor the Sunday holiday and not Good Friday is like showing up on game 7 and watching the locker room celebration and calling yourself a fan. Friday, is where the real blood and guts flowed and Jesus carried his cross that he was eventually nailed to. Friday was the hardship. Friday was when the metaphorical marathon training took place; the 20 mile long runs through aches and pains that rips us apart. The resurrection was just crossing the finish line of a race. Sure, it’s glorious, but as many marathoners will tell you, the training is the hardest part, the actual marathon run is almost just a victory lap.Yes, Christian or not, the Christ-story is a great metaphor for what runners do all the time. On plenty of 20 mile runs I’ve felt that I have crucified my body, plunged into 3 days of harrowing hell, only to feel my spirit ascend to heaven and our creator.At times we run to shed a few pounds, but eventually we will want to shed our whole body and set our spirit free.Stay tuned for next Sunday’s sermon, where I will unveil new evidence about the Last Supper, which was actually a carbo-loading meal to build maximum glycogen storages. After all, it was to prepare for the 3 day grueling endurance event of the resurrection. Nothing is more ultra than that.