Sharper Abs In A Month Challenge

By Tatiannalovingfit @lovingfit

Aug 4, 2012 by Tatianna

Hello My Lovies,

This is our first and official Ab Challenge! Not sure if any of you guys noticed, but if you go to Exercises & Workouts and scroll we now have ” Challenges ” section. All of the exercise challenges will be posted there. I am very hyped up about this challenge because I’ve been a bit lazy with my abs lately and it’s time to pick it back up!

Many years ago, I didn’t have abs at all. When I started training for aerial silks my husband made me do this challenge to gain strength in my core, and in a month I got abs, it’s pretty powerful stuff .

This challenge is going to last 1 month, you can extend it for longer if you like, but to see a great improvement, a month is what it will take.

All you will kneed for this challenge is a Pull-Up bar, a medicine ball ( but your don’t really have to use a medicine ball, you can just do a different plank variation, but it has to be difficult enough for your fitness level) and a chair or an elevated surface of your chose.

You can also use your Lebert or a dip station, but make sure you lift your legs all they way up as high as you can.

The Challenge

We will be doing this challenge 3 times a week, it shouldn’t take you more than 7-10 minutes to do. You will be adding this after your regular training. During this challenge you can skip on planks before and after your workout, because this challenge already includes planks.


Plank Variation – 1 min ( you can do the one I showed in the video, or you can pick a different variation, from the ” Plank Variations Video ” below.

  • Slow Leg Lifts ( try to keep your lets as straight as possible ) – 10 reps
  • 10-15 second hold on the 10th rep
  • Slow Side To Side Leg Lifts – 10 reps
  • 10-15 second hold on the 10th rep
  • Take a break if you need to but no more than 1 minute, and repeat the whole thing 2 more times.

To Kick it up a notch: Hold your legs for 5 sec on the way down every rep.


There will also be 3 rounds but you will use variations that I showed in the video, like this:

  • Elbow Plank – 30 sec
  • Regular Knee Raises – 10 reps
  • On the 10th rep hold your knees up as long as you can
  • Side To Side Knee Raises – 10 reps
  • On the 10th rep hold your knees up as long as you can.

Plank Variations Video

Have fun with this challenge Darlings, I know I will!!!

