Rock The Change: Thriving Through Menopause

Posted on the 30 January 2014 by Lynettesheppard @LynetteSheppard

Goddess Changing © lynette sheppard

Menopause Goddess Mee Kim-Chavez has invited yours truly and 14 other experts to present for a free, online summit called “Rock the Change” which takes place February 5-19, 2014. I asked her to share a little about herself and this groundbreaking program. First, a little about Mee.

Mee is a holistic health coach. How many of the Venuses could have used her help navigating the morass of health care system, herbal remedies, and such! Thankfully, she is here now for those of you in the midst of perimenopause and menopause.

After recording my presentation, Mee congratulated me on being a strong health advocate for myself during the worst of heavy bleeding and inappropriate (to me)  recommendations for D & C or hysterectomy. How was I able to do that?

Well, I was a nurse used to having my way with doctors. Ok, that came out wrong. Let me rephrase that. I was used to offering ( sometimes pushing) my opinion and acting as an advocate ( mama bear) for my patients, so it was natural to me to question all options and to act on my own behalf.

However, that is not so easy for most women going through the change. In the worst of menopause brain fog, they have to embark on a steep (and confusing) learning curve. Then they have to call up levels of assertiveness that may be difficult, or expensive should they need second, even third opinions. Having a navigator like Mee might just make that transition a whole lot easier.

Here is Mee’s story in her own words:

I’m about 3 months from turning 50.  I never thought I would see this number come up so quickly.  What I mean is, it was something that was going to happen later…… much later.  Don’t get me wrong.  I’m totally okay with it.  In fact, I’m more than okay with it.  I’m so okay with it that I’m welcoming it with open arms and telling everyone about it.  It’s not in secret hopes that someone will say, “no, really?  You don’t look 50 at all!”  Okay maybe just a little bit; a gal can hope can’t she?

I have a much deeper reason for being excited about my next second half.  It’s beyond skin deep.  I can attest there is some excitement in knowing that I am entering the next half of my life; part 2, the next act, a rebirth.  But this time around, I’m doing it on my own terms with no commitments.  I’m no longer serving primarily as a mother of three, wife of 23 years, the dutiful Korean daughter of many decades.  No more. There’s a French proverb that says, when a woman loses her blood, she gains her voice.  I have found my voice and my joie de vivre.  I’m singing the Pointer Sisters  – “I’m so excited! I just can’t hide it!”

This was the motivation for putting together the summit, Rock The Change:  How To Use Menopause to Ignite Your Sensual Self.  I invited 15 top experts to talk about all facets of menopause from sensuality, nutrition, naturopathic, intuitive, fashion, pelvic core, spirituality and even how to put together a Menopause Goddess group (sound familiar?).  My intention is to change the mindset of women on menopause.  Why is it that once women hit midlife, society views us as “done”?  And if we buy into that message, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.  We’re not done, people!  We’re just entering our best act and it’s called stepping into ourselves, our genius. (high fives all around)  So, let’s start shining that positive light on menopause and shift our mindset to embracing menopause.

Shine ON,
Mee’s Bio:

Mee Kim-Chavez is a holistic health coach serving women over 40 to “rock their sexy.”  The first half of her act encompassed body image issues, eating disorder, and seeking external factors for acceptance.  While she enjoyed a career in design for 25 years, Mee felt an increasing need to find work that was more aligned with who she was becoming.  Mee graduated from Institute of Integrative Nutrition 2012 and founded Shine with Mee (  She is pumped to see what the next act holds for her.