Roasted Oats Omelette Recipe

By Tatiannalovingfit @lovingfit

Sep 11, 2011 by Tatianna

I discovered this new way of eating oats, when I first thought of it I wasn’t sure how it would turn out but after I tried it, it has become one of my favorite breakfast recipes.
It is very easy to make and it adds a variation for eating oats, besides for boiling or adding them to smoothies. This is definitely the tastiest way of eating oats I’ve ever found and it doesn’t take a way too much form it’s natural form.

The ingredients

  • 1. Half a cup of Old Fashioned Oats
  • 2. Two Organic Eggs
  • 3. A table spoon and a half of Virgin Coconut Oil ( unrefined and un processed, I wrote a post about the benefits of virgin coconut oil)
  • 4. Sea salt to taste

Heat up a frying pan on medium to low heat and add a table spoon of coconut oil ( make sure the heat is not high, we want to keep as many nutrients in our food as possible, it will take a bit longer to cook but will keep most of the nutrients ).

Place the oats in a pan and roast for about 5 minutes, tossing them around until they are a little bit golden. Add sea salt.

After they turned a bit golden, move them to the side of the pan and add the other half of table spoon of coconut oil. Don’t mix the eggs with oats right away, let them absorb the coconut oil first ( so the pan they won’t get stuck to the pan, because the oats have a tendency to absorb all of the oil ). After the eggs absorbed the coconut oil, you can begin to mix the oats with the eggs. Always keep the heat medium to low or just low.

Enjoy your breakfast! If you try it let me know how you liked it .


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