By Xmarkm @matthews_mark

I'm getting some great traction on injury recovery and finally nailed a 20 mile week. Now it's time to start focusing once again on raising funds for RUNWELL. 

Many months ago, I became an advocate for RUNWELL,a non-profit foundation that raises funds for addiction treatment, and encourages those touched by chemical dependency to get involved in sports such as running. In some ways, you could see this as a way to spread endorphin highs around the world. I hope to push their efforts just a little more.

Dependent on continued blessings of the running Gods, I am running the Disney Marathon on January 11th, 2015, as well as a Detroit Half-Marathon in the fall of 2014 (now probably Brooksie Way. Run Woodstock now causes a schedule conflict.)

In my depression of 8 weeks off of running, I hadn't gotten around to thanking a contributor to RUNWELL, and one of the greatest running bloggers in the known universe, Amanda of the blog:  Miss Zippy. 

Shortly after donating to the cause, Miss Zippy became a finalist for the best blogger  in the Salty Runner field of 64 of the best woman running bloggers.  This is no coincidence. Miss Zippy is an awesome blog with great running tips by an insightful, speedy, and humble writer, but the good karma for donating certainly provided some fuel.  (Another blogger ran a PR in the 5k and marathon shortly after donating.)  Feel free to take a chance to donate, and see what magic happens to you.


Donate 1 dollar, 5 dollars, 10 dollars, and I promise to spread the natural highs far and wide. Donate 25 dollars or more, and I'll be happy to provide one of the following:

1. A THANK YOU blog post, with your permission. I will provide exposure to your blog, your book, your cause, or just post a picture of your dog if you'd like. As a new dog owner, I love dog pictures.

2. Your choice of a digital copy of any of my books gifted to you straight from amazon. 

3. A FREE download of the audio-book of Chasing the Dragon:Running to Get High (coming soon)

              CLICK HERE TO DONATE