Q & A ( Fave Music, Fave Movies, Relationship Advice )

By Tatiannalovingfit @lovingfit

Apr 8, 2017 by Tatianna

Hello my Lovies,

Today I have a Q&A video Talkchology for you guys. In this video I will answer some questions I’ve received in the comments.

These are the questions I was asked:

  1. Which Music do you listen to besides for mantras
  2. What is your favorite movie
  3. Have you thought about moving to the forest where there is no civilization and live a life that is far from modern.
  4. What is internet and social networks for you, is it a necessity in your personal goals or a form of sharing your information with people?
  5. How to keep inner peace and warmth throughout the years? In the years of a young couple there are many moments, problems and joy. You and your husband are together for a really long time ( I know it’s very personal and you don’t have to answer it )

English Version 


Russian Version

Enjoy the Video!



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