Proven Natural Home Remedies For Toothaches

By Rojer @healthxwellness

Toothache refers to the sensation of the pain in your teeth. Toothache is caused due to bacterial infections, tooth decay and dental cavities.

Toothache can be a sign of tooth breakdown. Toothache is a ailment that can make your life miserable. The intense and unbearable pain won’t allow you to sleep, eat, drink or perhaps draw in cold air with the mouth because of your tender tooth.

The very best remedy for tooth decay is to be sure to keep the tooth clean and shiny with regular brushing each morning and evening. But if you’re already suffering from tooth ache then your following home remedy is to take better care of your teeth.


Toothache pain is usually allayed by placing a small piece of onion on the bad tooth or gum, since onion has antibacterial properties that get rid of the germs in the mouth.

Wheat Grass

The juice of wheat grass is a superb mouthwash for tooth decay along with a natural toothache remedy. Additionally, it draws out the toxins in the gums and checks bacterial growth.


Garlic is really a natural antibiotic. If you can, chew whole cloves so the garlic gets into every nook and cranny of the mouth. To do this, cut a garlic clove in half and place the cut end over opening within the tooth. It will burn for some seconds, then the site will end up numb.

Salt Water

Mix a heaping spoonful of salt in a tiny glass of lukewarm to warm water, swoosh around inside your mouth provided you can, spit out. Repeat a few times.

Ice Cube

Apply and ice cube within the area in the hand joining thumb and fore fingers. This effectively cuts down on the pain. This point is an acupressure point which could effectively fight against the pain.

Olive Oil

Whether you consume it or put it on, olive oil provides benefit from top to bottom. Olive oil is also a pain reliever. Heat some olive oil and allow it to cool. When olive oil reaches on lukewarm level, pour a really small amount of olive oil in the ear along the side of the toothache.


Eat an apple everyday. This not just boosts your immunity system but additionally helps in removing the tit items of meat and other food. This can be a very effective cleaning agent for your tooth.


You can purchase clove oil, but if you don’t obtain that, using whole cloves on the sore area will numb it. Clove oil is definitely used for dental problems, and it’s worthwhile to help keep some on hand.

Remedies For Toothaches


Guava is very beneficial fruit, and they are its leaves. Take some fresh guava leaves; boil it in to the water for a couple of minutes. Now, chew them for 30 seconds. Do not swallow it. Spit the boiled leaves after 30 seconds.

Tea Tree Oil

Only a drop or two is going to do the trick. You can also add some to some cotton swab and hold in position or add a few drops of tea tree oil to some small glass of lukewarm to warm water and swoosh this around.


Cut a slice or wedge of lime and apply, grip it if you can to release a few of the juice. If you’re sensitive to cold, first bring the lime to room temperature if it was refrigerated.