Protein Powder Review – Orgain Organic Protein

By 43fitness

Endorsement Disclosure:  From time to time I’ll extol the virtues of a specific product or service.  If I am being compensated to review a product I’ll certainly let you know. Otherwise, you can rest assured that I receive zero compensation in doing so.  Today’s post is a case of the zero scenario. If I really like something, I feel compelled to share.  Word of mouth is a powerful force, and I love to see excellence rewarded.

Photo courtesy of

Today we’re going to talk about protein. You may or may not know that my quest for decent, mixable, tasty and healthful options has been long and arduous journey. I have found some options along the way, but am always on the lookout for new, and affordable selections that I can pass along to you.

My latest find, Orgain Organic Protein was discovered at my new 3rd home, Costco (Target is still my solid 2nd residence for those of you wondering). I recently watched a documentary highlighting this mega-retailer’s impressive history, and I have been pleased to find that most everything that wowed me on that reel I’ve actually experienced as a Costco shopper.

So onto the good stuff. I’ll be reviewing several more protein supplements in the coming weeks and in preparation have devised a scale and attributes list to summarize my opinion for each.

SCALE: 1-10 with 1 being totally crummy and 10 being completely awesome. I’ve found with food that people have different thresholds for different aspects of the food. Same goes with protein, so I’ll rate each attribute using this scale.

COST: A biggie when you’re shopping for protein because cost per serving can add up quickly when supplementing on a daily basis.

TASTE: Perhaps THE biggest because if you can’t choke it down, it’s all over.

INGREDIENTS: Very important because, again, you may be using this for more than one meal every day.

MACROS: Important, but not as essential because you can add to it with blendables or real food sides.

MIXABILITY: Again, lower on the list, but key for those relying on this as a portable option.

AVAILABILITY/CONVENIENCE: This is a big one for me because I am very busy and don’t want to have to rely on purchase methods that are complicated or that make me wait for the product.

Orgain Organic Protein – Creamy Chocolate Fudge


2.47lb for $29.99 (plus Costco membership) 27 Servings at $1.11 cost per serving. Pretty impressive, given most organic, vegan proteins come in at over $2.


True to form, the proteins with the best ingredients have the worst taste. This one is no exception. The saving grace here is that the taste is not offensive, there just really isn’t any. I feel like naming this flavor “creamy chocolate fudge” is misleading. Chocolate flavor? Barely. Fudge? Not a trace of it in the taste. More than anything I taste a hint of the brown rice and just a touch of chocolate. It easily blends with bananas or other fruit for a subtle flavor that’s easy to get down. If chocolate rice sound appealing, then this is the one for you!


Organic, with lots of good foods you can pronounce. Natural sweeteners and decent binding agents. Not sure how you’d get a protein powder to function otherwise. I don’t think there is a 10 out there, unless you include powdered chicken breast.


This is where Orgain shines. 21g protein, moderate 13g carbs so you can drink as is or add to it, low fat, VERY little sugar and sodium (hence the taste) and good fiber at 5g. The only thing I’d like to see changed is lower carbs to make it even more adaptable to individual needs. Sometimes you just want the protein so you can eat real carbs alongside it.


No issues here, even with water. Quick and easy.,


I’m assuming that most major metropoli in the U.S. provide access to this bargain big box behemoth known as Costco. Some of you like to shop and support local, and I get that. Some of you live under a rock, 45 minutes from the nearest gas station. I get that too, so for that reason I give it a 7. It is also quite possible that someday Costco may just stop stocking this if the intricate formula for carrying it in the first place doesn’t remain favorable. But for right now, for me, it’s more like a 9 because I live close to my Costco in Fort Collins, CO, and so far it’s been a hit with local customers.

BOTTOM LINE SCORE (average of all the attributes) 8.3

So there you have it. A decently nutritious option that’s relatively easy to find, really easy to mix and won’t break the supplement bank. Have you tried this one? What did you think of it?